Monday, June 20, 2016

June 19, 2016 I dont even know what to title this

My chinese is still bad, i still am so lost, and im always happy! sometimes, i do want to go home, sometimes i want to just sleep, and sometimes you get a really bad stomach cleaning 2 days, in which your stomach is constantly hurting and you go in and out of the bathroom roughly 10 times a day, but you still go ride your bike through completely sweaty death, and find some people to invite to english and to invite to hear your message. ironically that thing about the sickness is the last two days and a little today hopefully its over after today.

Anyway this week was pretty cool one thing on saturday some guy set up at the park across the street and hooked up his flute to giant speakers, and was jamming all day, it was pretty cool the few times we were actually around to hear it. and saturday and sunday i had that thing with my stomach me and my companion had to go sit at home for an hour and study while the danger passed! haha not exciting. so we have been having some stuff happen lately like some super young investigator in his 20's tried to pull a move on one of our older ones she is almost 50, btw marriage doesn't really exist until like mid 40's as a minimum. so that was fun, resulted in niether coming to church that sunday out of fear and embarrassment.... wooo but we had a really cool temple tour, and ended up with sister armstrong (the girl from my MTC district) as our guide that was cool, its wierd about every 5 days i see one of them so far, and its wierd how much happens and so we need to catch up and laugh a little about our bad chinese. 

last P day we went up to the boardwalk in danshui, and acted like tourists a little as we explored and my life is complete there are these things which is basically a crape muffin filled with special puddings, they are my life, they are called hong dou bings, or nai you bings, or basically (pudding type) bing, a bing is like a pastry basically. and they are amazing, and then later that week my companion and i went on exchanges with danshui elders. so i went up there. and Elder Gray was my companion, he was like for lunch we will try cuo bing, which is a giant plate of finely shaved ice (i forgot to picture) then on the bottom choose 4 things, and they put brown sugar syrup on top. well luckily Elder gray was experienced he told me to get 3 things on bottom and put sweetened condesnsed milk on top as well. its amazing, and large and cheap, and delicious.

also i have seen snails the size of a baseball, lizards chill everywhere, cockroaches that are 2 inches long are small or medium sized. and it has not taken me long to adjust to just seeing these things everywhere, i mean like in home, at homes, in stores, and its just nothing, sometimes people kill the roaches but thats about it. oh and spiders are just enjoyably everywhere, i saw a large one eating a snake a little while ago. also fun fact people do stupid things on the road and expect you to be sorry, i see mopeds will throw on their blinker and just chill like that for like 3 turns then get mad when you expect them to turn so you turn as well.... thats just a few times, most times its just stupid high speed passes and squeezing into tiny places basically the road is just hunger games.

a lot of our lessons have been falling through, but we have also been getting qinged (invited to food) a lot which is cool, and delicious, there was this thing that was red bean, and terro and i just really liked that, i am still adjusting to most other bean desserts they have a very different idea. but ice creams and stuff delicious! anyway we had a zone conference and that was really cool, i saw some other district members, and i just met a few cool people, btw there is a pic of me with 2 other elders, that is my trainer and his trainer, here for some reason trainers are known as dads, to other missionaries, so thats my dad and grandpa. 

spiritual thought: Jacob 6:12
literally though.

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