Monday, June 20, 2016

June 12 2016 uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Hey everyone, life is getting better as i start to get to know the area, i am constantly sore in places i have no idea why, i am always tired, and completely whipped, but its really easy to be happy, and really easy to be mad, the biggest challenge right now, is one trying to learn chinese and two i just wanna forget everything else and focus, you would not believe how unbelievably long the days are when you aren't focused, but then the days you are focused fly by and are much more successful, there is literally such a thin line between success and failure, and success isn't just about the numbers, though usually those shoot up on forgetton days too. but honestly most the time it feels like ill be here for eternity, and it is the worst feeling and i know how to get rid of it, because one day i was just utterly focused and it just disapppeared like everything bad here just left likei dont know how to constantly keep it so thats what im working on for me.

anyway heres the week, i biked up a mountain, that sucked but the view was awesome, me and Elder Facer just chilled at a miao there, and looked over the valley (you'll see the pic) we also had a pretty good chance to just ya know go to meetings and i studied for 6 hours while he did leader stuff, but i also hung with some very old missionaries, and it was super fun! they die this transfer! 

We went on Zone Leader exchanges i was with Elder Hammond, we went to shi lin, (has one of the most popular night markets) lots of toursits but it was so fun like we just partied and worked alll day!! and it was so fun! i learned a lot in those 24 hours, also it was Elder Hammond and Facer year mark so we went to kao rou (all you can eat meet and ice cream and drink and salad) excpet the cool part is they bring the meet and these small like dutch oven things and you cook it yourself right in front of you!! and just cook what you want, and order what you want next, with a bunch of spices to choose! i put everyone to shame, and didnt even eat til full.... oh and Elder facer was with Elder Aiono, a 300 pound muscled to the bone poly, still put him down too hahaha, i can pound food! im proud of myself. 

for last Pday we went to a place call zhuzihu (jew zi who) which is known for flowers is what we found out after a bus ride up... we still tired to go hiking in church clothes, it stopped at a large dam oh well. 

yeah we just biked a lot and my area has too many hills;) and mission rule especially with typhoon season coming the wind is always against you.

spiritual thought: i have realized God is very clever with time, when looking forward you feel small and useless, and maybe even unready, as you look back its hard to remember the bad, usually gfood things come up. but when fovusing on the here and now you see a lot to do. so let me give you a good quote from 2 places, the first the martian "just get to work and solve one problem, then after that solve the next, and if you solve enough problems you get to go home" (i.e. God's home) "forget yourself and get to work" -Hinkley just start make a priority and a goal, then get to work getting to that! there are a lot of things you'll never be ready for and ill be honest its not that hard to be ready for a mission... physically, ill be honest soreness doesn't bother me, and niether does tiredness thats something that i figured out didnt really matter during wrestling, BTW wrestling is the best physical preparation for a misssion. but the challenge of a mission is to be mentally and spiritually prepared, i have never felt God so much, but there must be opposition in alll things, I have never felt Satan so ,much either! choose which side you feed. 2nd Nephi 24: 12-16 this scripture oughta help you choose. 

Wo Ai Ni Men, thanks for everything I love You all!

Love Elder Conover Kong zhanglao

Ps daoqi, please tell sister wood that she is still well known here and that she never gave me her email! but tell her everyone here says she was an absoluetly bomb missionary! and she left a good rep.

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