Monday, June 6, 2016

Taiwan.....the first week!

Well the first week has been so fun! and crazy and ridiculous, and fun, and long, and wierd, and ting bu dong, and many other things. we showed up at around 7 pm got some food met the AP and pres and wife, went to bed, woke up went to the mission dedicatory prayer sight and grand hotel, (pics coming) we had new missionary meetins, and met our trainers and as it was pouring rain like most of you have never seen unless you have been to taiwan, we walk with our luggage to trains to get to our area my area is called bei tou a little way north of taibei the equivalent of the suburbs, except for the fact that there are only aparatment buildings and we are in one of the biggest tourist areas, streets are a joke here, hello to previous districts good warning on the street laws dont really exist you just respect or die... jk jk jk there are stop lights that more or less mean something, and no joke all bikes and mopeds go to front and you go fast and straight and out the way. you bike with the traffic, and you are within a foot maybe if your lucky a foot and a half of every car/bus /truch that passes. 

so we came in and set my stuff down planned the day and went, (btw i walked off the plane and was more or less breathing a swimming pool) so sometimes you can walk outside and just stand there and you will get ridiculoudly sweaty literally standing and talking to people, and my area enjoys being built in the foothills at the base of the mountain, and even better extends up the mountain. I sit in at lessons and smile and pretend like i know stuff, and they laugh at me, i cant understand anything and i desire to blow up my head most days, because my neck decided it just wants to constantly dislike me, luckily the first counselor in the ward is some crazy type of chiropractor and that helped tremendously he was laughing during meetings cuz he thought i would be scared and thought i hadnt done something like it before.

we split beitou in half with the only sisters in our zone they are awesome and super nice. they have most houses in the area so our finding is a little bit more difficult but i liked what my trainer said, bei tou is only hard to find the people that actually live here if your lazy, most taiwan people dont travel too much, but this is a huge tourist area. also there are a lot of people that are "very sneaky" and take pictures that we just happen to be in, its funny cuz they think we dont notice. 

now the first week, so far i have felt useless, unhelpful, tired, broken, and desired to go home severly and one point, but i have also felt amazed, pushed, happy, strong, excited, needed. this week is rough, i've always been someone to pick things up fast and just roll with it, so far i feel like i have not learned any chinese, frustrating. i feel like i have found 0 people, useless. i have helped 0 investigators yaaaay. but then i just keep going, talking, trying, and working. i gave my testimony and introduced my self at sacrament yesterday, and everyone says "wow your chinese is so good, your doing awesome" and then i say ting bu dong (i dont understand) because they said it to quick and i dont know what they said😂😂😂 but the members are awesome! and very kind! we have had a ferw lessons, and i saw a baptism the other day from some other area, but in our district, re- met my friend joey colletti, and chandler turner. and i have had some fun with recent converts named guo jie mei and wu di xiong, guo is an old crazy lady and super funny! wu is a young college kid who is super smart.

spiritual thought, alma26:12 and 27 it applys to everything, just push through enjoy sucking sometyimes and enjoy not knowing, and just push through it will get better. i promisse, i know it to be true take it from me, who has to be in a country learning a very hard lamguage i heard that coming from english to chinese is actually harder then any other official language.... goooooooooooooooooo chinese

Kong Jie Long Zhang Lao

Leaving Provo

Arriving in Taiwan 

My apartment

The temple 

1 comment:

  1. Jason, don't forget you are amazing! Before you know it, with God's help, you will be comfortable with the traffic, the climate, the weather, the people and the language. I'm proud and happy that your work has started. I love you lots and pray for you. Gma Trix
