Sunday, July 17, 2016

July 17,2016 Transfer 1

So today is the start of transfer 2 in field, and let me tell you the small things add up fast, we totalled our numbers for the transfer, and i'll be honest a lot of times you feel like you are running and running and knocking and talking, and asking, and nothing happens, but i'll be honest looking at the totals was a good feeling to look back and say holy cow in 6 weeks we did that! and its already been 6 weeks!!!!! like what up!!! i love seeing the fruits of the effort as we continue to just work! my trainer Elder Facer is an expert at staying focused onworking he sets an amazing high pace, and knows we can both reach it! he is a great missionary!!

 So this week i have been focusing and identifying what my motivation is, and how can i can better bring my motivation from better places. The better you know where you draw energy from the better you can use that energy and get more. Not only that but you can learn to draw energy from better deeper and stronger sources, i have been trying to focus on drawing energy from the work and the service. My favorite day this week was the day i reached my goal i set for myself for my mission. Before i left i told myself i wanted to be so lost in the work that when i come home i get planning done, and somehow find the energy to journal and brushteeth before collapsing into bed, literally me and Elder Facer walked in the door did everything we needed to and just pray and barely made it into bed utterly exhausted, I hope i can continue this in the same manner literally i want nothing more than to be exhausted everyday. because i know as i give everything the lord he takes over "MAN'S LIMITS ARE GOD'S OPPORTUNITY"!! 

Right so this week had a lot of cool stuff happened we had transfers and we lost 4 missionaries and only got 2 back, we had a huge number die, and very few come in, but next transfer is a huge load of new meat! super cool! so we closed one of our areas, and traded 2 out of the remaining 6 of us, which doesn't seem like a lot but its a pretty big change! Also i got to go to the temple here!!!! its super dope and crazy and dope and beautiful. then the President does waffles on temple days, so i ate a bunch, and then felt bad so we stopped eating, and just hung with a bunch of other elders! it was pretty cool! Some big hints were dropped but i wont tell you anything until next trranfer, also they changed the language training here so trying to adjust there! our zoneleader got switched too which effects me a tiny bit more because my comp is district leader. so im pretty tight with the zoneleaders! they are dope. anyway we had tremendous success in finding this week, and especially with long-term finding, meaning people that we got numbers from that have a little interest so we set-up at least one family and just got investigators! and the wierd thing is this week we didnt have a lot of time for finding! and we went on exchanges! so miracles all day! God has been allowing a few more language problems to become apparent so i can start getting over thoseand helping me become just that much more committed to learning and submitting! we have been getting very good with out members they are working really well with us and are trusting me alot more cuz my companion has already been in this area for 6 months, but we have seen miracles from them and for them.

This needs its own paragraph while we were in study time and on exchanges we (me and Elder Gray) recieved a call requesting a blesssing, it was a member brother for his non-member brother. we quickly hurried to the cancer specialty hospital... (fore-shadowing) when we arrived and met the man, and started to learn about the situation we were informed the man was only given a few days left to live, and blood had already begun to fill the lungs, so we went up to the 5th floor and walked in the man was noticeably uncomfortbale due to his situation, and had a few tubes pumping the slow flow of blood oout of his lungs. they had already tried chemo a few moths prior so he was already a little beat up. so we explained what was happening and what we would do, and he accepted, we put the oil on his head and i annointed him, after which Elder Gray stepped forward and began the blessing using english so as not to forget anything, then switeched to chinese for the actual blessing even though i couldn't understand everything there was an emense power in the room, and the man's breathing slowed and become more smooth, he settled under our hands and Elder Gray promised him peace in all things, but that if yhe truly believed he would recieve the healing he needed! when he closed there was silence and the man comfortably eyes still closed smiled slightly then returned to quietly sitting eyes still closed, the family then thank us, and we thanked them for the chance, and asked if we could do anything politely they said no and the member escorted us out, and as we were leaving the man said thank you. after which we stopped and bore testimony telling him that the blessing could be fulfilled and telling him we know god loves and will help you. we left and talked shortly with the member he thanked us and said it was a very powerful moment bore us a short testimony we told him to kkeep us informed and that we are always ready to help. his wife came and gave us cheese cake, and we thanked again and left. i have not yet heard anything but i know that god loves us and answers our prayers, i know that blessing are by god through us, and i know that he will fulfill all words according to his plan and pleasure. and i have doubt that if that man truly does believe our words he will be healed. I will forever be greatful for the priesthood which i hold, and the example of worthiness and leadership my father has shown me. i am grateful that i have had the chance to have blessings of all kinds in my kife, that i can have a testimony of their power, and truth. 

The priesthood isn't used for personal gain never was and never will be but it is for the blessing of the meek and sick and weak, for the building of a great kingdom and for the care of the others whether member or nonmember, god didnt giv eus this responsibilty that we can sit idly, but that we might be anxiously engaged in helping his children, and i will invite and encourage all to partake, to magnify to assist. i love this gospel, and the lord, and my final invite and question for this email, never lose the fire, just trust me and god go to church read pray, stay active help his children this is the one true and living church restored by god through a prophet and he still leads us through a living prophet, and i dont care what anyonme says i will forsake all things for him and follow him (matthew 19:26) (thanks dao qi for the scripture i keep it with me always written neatly and protected)

Waffle bar at mission home after temple. 

He and Elder Gray
View from hospital room 

Memorial hall

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