Tuesday, August 23, 2016

August 22, 2016 POKE-POCALYPSE

The week when there starts to every night be over 3 thousand people literally across your street in a small park. because of a game. Well as a missionary we took this very rare chance to turn it into a very effective finding time. The only problem is they are mostly not from beitou our area.  
So it happens our area has the very most poke stops in the smallest area in all taipei excpet 101 but the reason so many people come to our stop is we have a very rare pokemon named dragonite. People literally move in herds they stop traffic, clog roads, everything, literally the cops are here every night
 directing traffic, being careful, the news is there often(more coming about the news). lets just say we are pretty much golden over here in beitou and whats more its every night a whole crowd of new people that haven't seen us. Well we decided to call our whole zone in, consisting of about 14 or 16 missionaries to use this effectively. we painted over 40 eggs like pokeballs, we made a giant pokeball out of an old basketball, we got an english banner, got members, filled over 50 waterballoons and had ourselves a real life pokemon GO how many can you catch egg toss we called it "POKE-Dan(egg in chinese) GOTTA HATCH 'EM ALL" we were unbelievably proud of that name #ELDERFACER we had missionaries grabbing people selfies with the giant poke ball egg/waterbaloon toss, and a whole lot of sweaty fun! iIn the end we basically nailed it. I cant explain how much set up and build up it took because there was many txts calls, explainings and stuff but it started something great!!!!

We are about to go golfing with a nonmember so im excited! hopefully we dunk him soon:) but the other cool thing and the reasaon no monday Pday is Elder Evans from general 70 game to talk to us! that was so cool!! he gave a huge and amazing speach his wife enlightened us! also they announced that we dont have to wear suit jackets between MAY and OCTOBER!!!!!! wwwwwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it is unbeliveably good news!!!! we get to not burn to death!!!!!! 

Probably last thing i want to say is that me and Elder Facer may or may not have been on national news... mostly because we are dope we were walking around with our pokeball near the park trying to touch the outskirts a little, when up the hill ran a large heard of trainers, me and elder facer went directly to the middle of the herd and went the other way, i with the ball, he with a stack of english tracks. i held the ball high and yelled "jia you, pokemon GO jia you jia you" "shui ge jia you" "woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" which was followed by the parting of the seas and laughter pictures selfies, enjoyment, and lots of people hearing about english, we walked all the way through and found it was time to go home, when we got to the bottom of the hill there was a large camera and elder facer and i looked at each other and he said lets go talk to them and i said ok, the second they saw us they

quickly pointed the camera and asked us questions hahahaha as we were walking over i was still yelling wan an to everyone hahaha. then we went home yelling and talking to everyone. when we woke up the next morning our RC congradulated us for making the news through a txt, and as we left for exercise our security gaurd was laughing saying good job "hen shuai" and then we decided we would hold the next district meeting on how to be famous thats the story of how i became famous.

PS we started this thing called selfies for salvation take a selfie for a street contact

Hand made shirts as a gift from a member. 

Night time poke-apocalypse

Poke prep for park games 

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