Sunday, August 14, 2016

August 14, 2016 Pop goes the... tire... twice

We had some dope adventures this week, including some exchanges and some parties, our ward has been bomb lately giving us referrals and having activities its been a party around here for us. we have been preparing 7 people to recieve baptism in the next 2 weeks but it looks like only 2 or 3 will make it, but that is all good we still got plenty of time. they are all amazing just some dont have the time to get to where they want to be. right now we are getting excited we have 2 super awesome investigators that have just been champions, they haven't had a problem accepting and keeping word of wisdom or chastity which is a miracle in and of itself hopefully it continues!! hahaha i love those guys!!!!

also this week david archuletta is in taiwan to help us celebrate we got a special mission conference to listen to him speak and sing. he is dope. he has a great voice, sometimes when you just got music rolling you forget people actually sing these songs, then you can see them perform them its incredible. yes he sang glorious, yes it was glorious. yes he shared mission stories, yes they are as incredible as ever. 

this week ironically the title doesn't involve me hehehe poor companion has hit it flat twice this week once was this morning as we were biking up and exploring the mountains for exercise, he had to run home, he got more exercise then meπŸ’πŸ˜‹ we found the thermal valley, also known as hell valley, how about that name. in honor of the stupid pokemon GO game, the hotsrpings would have brought rest to us had we not been on a mission and unable to enter. basically the dang boulder was in the way and we haven't found the HM strength to move it yet. but soon enough. 

MORE IMPORTANT THAN ALL ELSE this week i made a very good choice and bought a large sword, it has provided much fun already. and noone cares in fact they like it when you ride around on a bike with sword in hand. most people even at a public train area actually wanted to see me biao ming or present for them hahaha it was dope!!!!! im excited!!

also earlier this week we biked up a mountain and then hiked a small way through a large graveyard for exercise it was sick. i discovered a few things, taiwan blows too much money on graves, taiwan looks like the valley of peace in kung fu panda, me and my comp have similar senses of humor, at the top of mountains there arent very big leaves very often though they are pretty much everywhere else, banana spiders are basically like the bat signal for spider man, cuz they chill everywhere and blot out the sun in a very scary manner, and lastly prepare better for a hike elder facer....

love you guys!!! KONG ZHANG LAO OUT!!!!!!

ps we also found a lightsaber in our apartment.

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