Monday, August 8, 2016

August 8, 2016 There and back again an Elder's Tale

Well to start this week off, it started as you might expect in a small taiwanese apartment, we arose about 6:00 in the morning and prepared to exercise that we could remain healthy, a light jog later brought us to a bit older run down middleschool exercise area, as the Amas(grandmas yes they do like being called ama) strolled about and were doing their taiqi we began our time there, the next thrity minutes were simple enough, go ham all day er'y day. and then it was a simple walk down a large staircase to the welcome mart(ding hao) bought a light breakfast of 2 packs of juabings for the week (chinese pancake) and some mango icecream(i learned mondays is icecream sale day) then we returned and prepared for the day, studied, then readied ourselves to join wu di xiong (dx) for a momentous trip to danshui. the zoneleaders had planned to meet us in thirty minutes we ate together for lunch. then recieved a call that the zoneleaders were quite late. just as many 19-20 year old boys are. we began our journey a brisk pace along the river up to danshui, with many twists and turns in which all manner of large bugs and small critters must've creeped but we simply peddled along. we arrived at the boardwalk area, many tourists were about none looked unexcited, we got some snacks looked about for the ZL to arrive but recieved a call that they had gone to the beach on the northern tip. we mounted back up and set off at a brisk pace, for we are missionaries, and an RC and its not very polite to be late. 20 minutes (pretend days) later arrived at the beach. we journeyed across a large desoltaion of sand and rock, for we desired the very tip not the gentle inlet of delicious sand. we soon came to the tip that had many tide pools, with no clear path to follow there were many LOTR references to golem as he lead the hobbits through the large bog. mostly me of course but everyone laughed. after we arrived at the edge we stood about as conquerers of the journey but had not yet accomplished our design as to achieve the accompaniment of the ZL for they had gone ahead. and simply up to the inlet to the beach. as we were about to head back to find the object of our design our poor RC took a small tumple backards onto a bit rocky shallow part into the ocean. we quickly pulled him up and began to return to the safety of the sandy expanse, (i enjoyed this rocky part for they were no small rocks and it was like an obstacle course) we finally returned and cleaned up wu dx and then met the ZL who quickly had to run for they had angered a deep beast of the dark. possibilty of being LATE (damsel in distress scream) we had a nice gentle ride home with but a few souveniers of our journey, after all we were just missionaries no one could ever need as much as was hoarded in that beach. (end seen i aint no JR Tolkien but that is my tale of P day bike ride) it was pretty bomb.

after that we had zonemeeting good trainings there. i have passed of the first phase in language training and very close to phase 2 which means characters soon! woooooo then we had exchanges in the which me and Elder Hammond had some crazy miracles in finding people and setting some baptism dates on the street! then we finally had time to be in our area and do work, we have a taxi driver investigator who is pure gold he has a kareoke machine in his taxi, and offers us free rides every where! and he loves the gospel he is working so hard to get baptized on the 27 th he is awesome!!!! then we had a ward activity in which we had like 8 investigators come it was so awesome!!!!! thats like unheard of!!! and 2 are a couple that also have 2 kids we are hoping to bring a new family in here!!! then church the next day we had 7 investigators come!!! we were blown away miracles have been dropping into our lap lately for these progressing people!!!!then sunday night we had a fireside that we had 3 RC's come to one spoke! and then we had 2 of our best inv. come and it was super good i got to see some people from the MTC again as well as elder colletti from highschool, and i saw elder turner from ELA he is doing great! aside from that this week was pretty bomb i have pictures coming!!!

Kong Zhang Lao is happily ever after 

The End.

At the beach

Epic bike ride
This is really hat they use for a broom
Melons longer than my arm

More epic bike ride 
Sea urchin

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