Sunday, September 11, 2016

September 11, 2016 ~ Cursed ~

what an supercalifragilisticexbealidoxious(mary poppins word pretty sure im right) week! it was pretty dang fun this week, we met some awesome people and had plenty of finding, and basically we just had a lot of fun! Lets start off by saying this week we saw miracles so i went a mini exchanges with elder clyde he got here a few weeks ago, and we ended up running into a friend joseph who i met with elder facer forever ago and while with elder facer we had him accept baptism twice, but we never set a date with him. well me and elder clyde ran into him because for some reason he hadn't been around for a while. and we set him up, and now he is on date and came to church with us yesterday! and even better he remembered what we had taught him over a month ago! he is awesome we are gonna dunk him and he is gonna help the kingdom of god grow so much! we have been talking on how to really change our ward lately, its a very old ward but in the long run it hasn't seen that many changes especially in numbers and that is something me and elder zhuang want to change. in taiwan 500 people makes you a stake beitou(my area) alone has enough baptized people to be just below a stake, and they are some of the most amazing people you will ever meet. we just have to figure out how to help them feel the power of the church again:) we have been thinking how to usethem to get their friends so they can work together to come back! so we have been pretty busy lately :) 

last P-day was pretty fun we went hiking with the zone leaders and had a lot of fun! we were in beitou mountains a very beautiful place, then later we had a sweet zone meeting and had dope training on repentence and then we had exchanges with zone leaders, me and elder dong were together he is also a bendi and is very crazy! but super fun, while there we ate pizza for lunch, met some cool people. we met an LA that has billions of questions, and asked me why he is cursed with colored skin(ironically this didnt inspire the title) i couldn't answer him to well but i tried my best and told him the only real answer comes from god. he said he still reads and prays but will keep trying. that was a pretty fun experince, the next day we went home and had some lessons and then more finding. and then the day after that me and elder zhuang woke to very sore throats and stuffy noses, after elder zhuang went to the doctor and it started raining really hard we started finding😂 our members found out and were very kindly freaking out, for the best actually one gave us dayquil which saved my life because yesterday and the day before were a lot worse! but we still were out and very nicely it worked out people would be like "xinku keyi bang ni ma?" "that sucks bro, can i help you" and we would be like "hai hao ba, yao tingdao fuyin ma?" "its whatever bro, wanna hear the gospel" so maybe it wasnt exactly like that but thats pretty much how we used it, it helped a good amount of people talk to us. it was crazy fun week over all! by the way the title came from the faact that our zoneleader elder hamiliton was sick first and passed the curse to us. thanks bro.

so this week my studies led me to thinking about how to not only "endure trials well" but also how to have joy in all things and "to be an example of the believers" and i've been reading in the new testament, and so id like to teach this principle as jesus would, a parable, of the holographic picture (or whatever those pictures are called that have 2 pictures and you tilt it and see different ones) life is pretty much like one of those as you look ahead and see the mountains and the tirlas, the hard work and all of the obstacles you are naturally programmed to use a natural man's eye, and this is where murmuring and doubt come. but if you are willing to just started one step in front of the other pretty soon you find you are at the top of a mountain, with a glorious view. and you look back down and you see the beautiful scene that you just came through full of growth strengthening and fun. you look back with a god's eye. think about it. i can promise that jesus knew this principle and this is what allowed him to say "not my will but thine be done" this is what allowed him to be so amazing he knew nothing could stop him, he knew every trial was for his benefit, and he knew that the very words spoken to joseph smith in lliberty jail were true "peace be unto your soul" "your afflictions shall be but a small moment" "and if you endure it well you shall be lifted up at the last day" i can promise you this is true. "a moment of pain is worth the glory" or pretty close to that quote -unbroken i love you all, all these teachings these principals and these leaders are true. christ lives, and loves you. he descended below all things that he might know how to lift you from them. he knows. HE KNOWS. there is no words that can replace those 2. i love you all keep enduring well

Kong Jie Rui Zhang Lao

In field tag

When your sick you wear a mask

Beautiful mountains 


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