Sunday, January 14, 2018


I am now moved into 竹北 ZHUBEI!!!!!! It is so awesome!!! Iwill miss Elder Walters and the 信安 ward and the english ward. But my new companion is awesome his name is Elder Vincent from California!!! He is so cool! so he played tennis competitively for BYU and he is one of the best young missionaries i have seen! He is really dedicated to having the time and the energy to succeed! It has been a good couple of days! So we have already visited one of the RC and trying to get the dad to be into now. And i met the other RC at church. We have an awesome ward with a lot of families! Which is amazing!!!

I moved into a really nice house. Iam in the Zhubei 3 ward. which is on the west coast of taiwan. Ican see the ocean from my house. Ilive in a beautiful building and a great location. Really close to the train station, and the chapel. We have a massive and gorgeous chapel here. Which is where i am emailing you from today!!!

Anyway i am back out of Taibei to have the last two transfers in somewhere a little less city. But to be honest it is still a really big city here its just a little more spread out with a few less people walking around. Its really nice actually nice and quiet!! We have been back on our bikes quite a bit more than i was in my last area. So it is nice to be out and going again!

Last part is i just want to say that prayer is powerful. Ihave been improving my prayers little by little. And really been going at it with real intent! And it feels so good! We have been really trying to always rely on the spirit and seek its guidance! We have really growing into companions quickly! We  have been working really hard! ANd it is fun! We are seeing some really good success come out of it!

I love all of you!!!
Elder Conover

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