Monday, January 29, 2018

let the games begin

man this week has been pretty good!!! So we have seen a ton of miracles! When Elder Vincent and I started out, we wanted to find some prepared people. We made a goal to find one person everyday no matter what. Just one person that was willing to learn the message of the restoration of the gospel. And it has provided us many friends and people to teach. We have been blessed greatly by the hand of the Lord. Which has been truly fun! The members are really warming up and we are having so much fun with them!

We have a really fun apartment and district too! Our whole district has been up and going this transfer putting down the work. And loving everything they are doing! It has been fun to see! I have seen a ton of them grow so much! We have 5 missionaries still well below their year mark but they have been so impressive! It has been so awesome to see! I have loved being around them!

Something I have not enjoyed, I have started to finish up college applications. Which it is hard to do. I don't know anything anymore! I have been doing a few essays and I realized, man i need to school up again! It is pretty funny actually. Also my spelling ever since learning Chinese has become the same level as a first grader. It is pretty embarrassing.

pretty solid week.

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