Sunday, January 7, 2018

Great Week

Well this week has been super good! I have had a super fun time. I will tell you this i am getting very tired the last couple of days, however we had a ton of miracles this week. After some of all the crazy activities that our ward and the mission were holding to celebrate christmas We finally got to focus alot more on our area.AND after all was done we saw some cool miracles come from the activites we ended up with a ton of people to teach this week. Which was way fun!

We have been working on 2 people in particular that are really close. I have been working with them almost the entire time i have been in this area. And they both could literally be baptized tomorrow. But they have ran into some concerns and challenges along the way. But they are doing great. One is just having a hard time believing in himself, but the other one is having a hard time believing that Christ truly has atoned for all sins and challenges. But they have grown so much in the last 4 or so months!!

This week i am looking forward to the coming days a ton of stuff is about to happen and i am going to have a ton of fun with it!!! and I think everyone else is going to love it too!!!!

I saw my old comps mom!!

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