Monday, January 1, 2018


What an insane thing! so first off! what it's 2018.... crazy! I'm not sure what to even think! it's literally insane! I don't know what to think! But to be honest we were talking with our good friends I have 3 elders nearby that are 6 weeks younger than I am, so we were in the MTC together and we just talked about how we all measure time in 6 week periods now because of the mission. so it's like we still have a week or so before we can set new goals and change things up hahaha strange! but cool!

Also this week was cool Josie (林冠媖) got baptized which is sweet! we found her near my first nights here! that's so awesome to see her change! she has really come to love the gospel. Someone brought a friend to church and she just started contacting them and teaching them about the book of mormon. But literally did it better than us missionaries!

also 101 is a very cool sight to see on new years.... it's pretty legit! But the coolest thing is we went over nearby and we made a "NEW YEARS resolution" booth and used the BOM as a way to help them meet their goals and see more success we saw a lot of cool miracles. The sisters in our ward literally stopped someone that took them to their house right then and they had a lesson with them! so cool!

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