Tuesday, January 23, 2018

In the Beginning 

Alright this week was pretty much straight fire! We ran into to some really fun things and some really not so fun things, but pretty much Elder Vincent and I had a ton of fun proselyting this week! So we started by having a great P-day we ate a ton of food, messed around played some sports and stuff.

We met some super cool people and have set some super good goals to help us be improving the area. Get it to somewhere that every missionary wants. We have seen some super cool miracles as we have just been aiming for the goals we prayerfully set. Heavenly Father has been backing us up and helping us hit them. We met some really fun people Like the addidas store owner that thinks we are super rough working all the time and biking around. So he said if we ever need anything he will give us better sales! That was kinda super nice. My shoes have eben ruined with large whole in them for about 3 months now... hahaha But then again i gotta get some that work pretty well.

I think i should tell all of you. You are all awesome. If you make it to this part of the email shout out to you for actually reading. I will be straight with anyone that makes it to reading this part. I have been out of things to say. Aside from I love my companion, i love my area, i love the people, and the members. I love my mission. I love my god. I love all things.

We started teaching a golden grandma! She is awesome we are gonna have to pass her off to other missionaries. but she is so fun! She is so cool! She started crying while she was given a chapel tour. And said she could feel the spirit with out us ever telling her the word. She literally just said holy spirit. I almost filled up the font right there.... hahahah just kidding.

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