Sunday, November 26, 2017

Pretty Legit

So this week has been super fun! We are getting near the end of the transfer, and this week marks the end of our transfers. and I will have to be getting a new companion oh no!!!!!! thats ok this coming transfer is gonna be so awesome!!!!

So this week we had a super fun thanksgiving activity we had a ton of members bring friends it was super awesome!!! We had a ton of fun, they had a fun little dance we all jumped in on. And then our RC also brought one of his friends he has wanted us to meet for a long time. and he was super nice, and had a little curiosity about what we are doing here. 

Also last week we had the great chance to start creating new tracts for the mission use, we have been using the same ones for a long time, and we all feel that they could for sure use some improvement. And President just had us make the content and create the tract and then we just sent all that stuff to a good friend of mine a member from an old area, and having him design and fit everything around as it should be! I am so excited to see what happens!!!

We have smartphones completely launched now, which is super awesome every companionship has theirs and it has been crazy to see the work speed along! Makes quite a few things easier and faster especially contacting members and investigators they are way more likely to answer over "line"which is super nice!!!! It has been awesome to see the missionaries stepping up, overcoming distractions, using everything to their advantage!!!!

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