Sunday, November 19, 2017


I had the chance to gather my whole generation this week!!!! And then we went on an exchange! Man it was so fun! Elder Jensen and I got to be companions for a day! And we let everyone know that Our whole generation was together and that we were companions! It was so fun, and it was really well times, I needed his help and it worked out well we had to move the exchange back to this week!

and we had a great week!!! We met some awesome people, a guy from cananda, who is a healer for another church, he told us in the most respectful way he thought our church was wrong. And told us our church will block the healing of people... hahaha But he is super nice!

We had a great chance to help an investigator who is returning to the phillipines do a blessing and stuff to help her be at peace she plans to be baptized when she returns in december. And her friend plans to do so with her!!

last pday we barbecued on the roof and played pool... it was amazing!

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