Sunday, November 19, 2017

wind up

Well we have had quite the week! It was super fun, so we had the chance to go on an exchange here and there, and then we had a great chance to cancel one the day before cuz we are kind of mean! hahahaha just kidding.

I will be straight i dont remember a ton of what happened because we are swapped to the smart phone or planning and everything which means, i dont write it down, and i dont remember as well.

But what we did do was a training for 30 of our greats missionaries. To get their own phones and to get started, and they will pass ot down the line, it was pretty stressful while we were preparing cuz the idea was we need to be able to answer all questions that are pitched but it went really well!! So it was super fun! And we got to all hang out together!

I have exchanges with to of my old comps this week, Elder Fitzpatrick and i had a ton of fun, we just got to teach of few people, one oif them was over skype call!! cuz he is up in tamsui and then Elder Cheney and i are together right now, because he came up from taidong he has to stay a few extra days to do some stuff, so we get to hangout the next little while! But i am actually exchnaging with Elder Walters a great guy that was in the MTC with me, good guy!

pretty good week, we ate some shanghai food last week with an RC
we got to see some one we found and taught get baptized this week!
this is what happens when missioanries get smartphones

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