Sunday, November 19, 2017


Alright folks my life just got thrown for a loop so starting from last tuesday (day after i emailed you) it was announced to us we are getting smartphones. Since then i have now got one, and will have service on it today.... WHAT!!!!!!! i know lets give a quick story.

So the missionary department was like, how can we be better. Well our missionaries carry a little nokia and some missions also have an Ipad, well, lets put the two pieces together and expand to like 9 other international missions! And ours is one of them! And i get to be in the front side, i will be training a bunch of other people on how to use them coming in the next couple days!!! super crazy!

We had a super fun week! so we had a bunch of work to do this week, we have been on a smaller side of people we were really progressing down the line for a while, but we have been really focused on simplicity and spirit filled lessons, and as we have been doing the preparation needed we had a great week! we set We re-set two of our good friends dates and set another 2 new ones!!!! And they have all decided it is time to prepare and to change! WE also had an awesome week of people at church, we had a really cool memebr that has been struggling the past little while to come to church and be believer. But the last few months he made the decision his life is better here. HE brought to super cool friends to church! And they both want to learn more!

We have seen some super cool miracles as to what the lord wants for us! We had an awesome zone conference this week, and president and sister Jergensen gave a rousing training on having a vision, and our Zone Leaders did a great demonstration and additional training to help us all apply it better! I had the chance to really ponder this week, what is MY VISION, and what is the Lord's do they allign? I made some notes and plans and thoughts and i am going after it now, it is going to be amazing and has been quite the eye opener of i could be so much better if i had done this earlier in my life. 

I highly recommend making a vision of what you want out of life, or schoool, or work, or any of those things and then make goals and plans to make it happen.

Elder Conover:)

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