Monday, October 30, 2017


Alright so this week has been really cool!

We have been finished up with all the crazy fun of transfers now we are preparing for the coming zone conference! I am so excited i have found one big thing that has changed since i have been out here is my desire to learn, grow, and improve has become a driving force for me. I have found my need and my desire to be more than who i am always have been, i want to be an effective messenger of the truth and i want to help more people so i am working and trying to change and it is so fun!

This week has been awesome we have done a ton or stuff. So our english ward has been on fire lately with bringing people to things to meet us and inviting them to come and learn about things. We have had a ton of really awesome phillipino members bringing their friends. And we have a new couple in the ward form honduras. And they are awesome! They gave us a really cool talk last sunday about working in the church and doing the things god commands. Brother Mauricio gave a really cool thought about how if just half of the members of the church brought one friend a year to help get baptized then within 20 years we would have 1 billion members!!!! how cool is that! that is 1/7 of the current population! I never new how fast that would work! pretty sweet!

The chinese ward has been super cool too! We got a new ward mission leader this week! It is gonna be really fun to see the changes our ward want to work with us super bad! They are great people that just want to help the church to grow and improve!!!! I love serving here we get to see so many miracles. The hand of the Lord has been manifest to me often and many times a day through simple things that don't "normally" happen!

we had a beach P-day last week!!!

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