Tuesday, October 10, 2017

General Confrence

Man i love the prophets and apostles. I firmly believe they are all prophets, seers, and revelators. They are set apart by God, for the imparting of his word to us. They do it wonderfully! So i know most of you saw it last week, but due to translation needs i just barely watched it yesterday. And it has once again reminded me of the need for improvement. I felt an amazing theme throughout these sessions was the need for humility, repentance, and being reliant on the Lord.

This has also been a big theme for my life lately. I have shared a little before as to some of the lessons i have learned with this new transfer. And also the things i have learned from my companions. I just want to again share my thoughts as to the fact that all things come by and through the merits of the Lord. My favorite saying lately has been "relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save." I love this saying just reminds me that no matter what you do, you cannot earn anything of yourself. In the end, success, happiness, peace, salvation, and exaltation are gifts of God given through the merits and mercy of "HE who is mighty to save" I love my Savior, he truly has sacrificed himself for all, including me and you. And he speaks to us today, by the mouth of holy prophets and also through personal revelation. I have ran across Ether 12:41 lately. And just want to say, those who seek find, i would follow the counsel of the scriptures and also those who are currently writing scripture;) It will bring much joy to our lives.

We have had a really fun week, we met some super cool people! I got to go back up to 北投(beitou) where i was first "born" to teach someone we thought was a phillipino but turned out we went up there and she was not, so long story short she is not someone we needed to go up there to teach we could have had the sisters up there do it! She came to church last week, but we didn't see her, they just gave us a name, number, and said call! So that was pretty fun, they took us to a crazy nice house way up on the mountain and they kept like 30 dogs! i have never been to a house that literally smells like a dog! they are awesome though! super nice, and most are injured in some way! It was a great little experience. We also had two of our awesome friends pass their baptismal interview!! It was so cool! We also had one of them randomly call us and ask if we wanted to BBQ with his family! So we did, his family is loaded, it was fun! they love us, we will slowly baptize them all!:)

Love you all! Elder Conover

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