Monday, October 16, 2017

WET indoor and outdoor

We have had a crazy week this week! So for starters there was a typhoon that went nearby Taiwan, so for about four days we had a constant rain and wind all along the mission! From Taidong to Miaoli! Which really put a whip on my feet, to quote my fantastic companion, "my feet feel like frozen raisins." We decided to turn off the AC sometimes! hahaha.

But the coolest thing that happened this week, was our good friends周世樵 and 張育誠 got baptized! Not only that but 周世樵 made some huge changes and actually invited people to his baptism! And decided that he would be baptized with the other guy! Originally he kept telling us "I don't want to be a zoo animal for people to look at." But then he later realized they weren't there for that, but to support and welcome him! And even after 3 days of rain, and a constant down pour and another activity happening, our ward was super supportive of them and we had a great turnout! 張育誠 gave a fantastic testimony, got everyone laughing he is a super solid middle aged sales man, and he is naturally good with speaking, so it was fun to see him up front bearing testimony for the truth! And then we also had a good friend 董宇峻 the old missionary i just replaced here came back up to see the baptism! He is a good friend of mine, i love that guy!

We have had some really cool people start showing up, we just met with one of our youth, he is about 15 and he brought to friends to play ball, and we asked if they would want to learn about the church, and they both agreed, so we shared a little restoration with them, watched "because he lives" and then gave them Books of Mormon, they both are planning on every week whent hey come to ball, they will just meet with us and then come to church the next day! We are excited we could use a few extra youth!

We also got to go ice skating again this week but for free! Our investigator that just got baptized has a little cousint hat is a figure skater, and her mom took us and him over there for free! Elder Johnson started to learn how to do the pretty little spin jumps! i was still working on the spins!!

Love all of you! Elder Conover

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