Sunday, October 1, 2017

HIGH stakes

SMan this week has been a crazy one again! So we have had to go to the Training with President this week and the other leaders of the mission. So a group of great people all together! Some of best missionaries I've known and President told My companion and I that we were gonna do a training for a time limit of about 45-1hr minutes. He let us know the day before. Man my nerves were high!!!!!! Elder Johnson and I talked a ton, and woke up early that day. And when we were setting everything up we were just so anxious to get going! Eventually the Lord allowed us to do well, and everything went smoothly. We have been really focusing lately on relying on the Lord. And I have come to know in a very real sense that ALL things come of God, whether allowed, or done for us. It is all of God, there are things he wants done, and if we align ourselves with his will, he will allow us to work miracles. If we rebel against him, we are left to our own power and knowledge which if you have ever tested is 不多! hahaha.

We have also been meeting with some super cool people lately! We called an LA and he ended up bringing his girlfriend along with him to the meeting. We have had the priviladge to continue working with these two, as we are working to get him active and her baptized! But super cool miracle. We went to meet them and we had not had time to lesson plan what we wanted, but as we focused on her and the whispering of the Holy Ghost. The lesson went really smoothly and I felt very easily to invite her to baptism. The very second i invited the Boyfriend fearing the pressure would worry her. Jumped in and went off for 5-10 mins about not needing to be in a rush and to not worry if you don't want to and stuff. Well she was just looking down at the BOM(which we just used to teach the Plan of Salvation) looks up at My companion then glances at her boyfriend and says "I've decided i will attend." shocking all three of us with the dedication behind her voice. I truly believe the Holy Ghost had made clear to her the the Plan was for her, and all things were true. Giving her the confidence to say i will be baptized!!! Super cool miracle!

Aside from that we also had exchanges this week! I went with Elder Smith and Elder Cheney! Elder Smith is a champion! he is currently one of my favorite people! Because pretty much what we did all day was to just go and work hard all day and just enjoy what we were doing the whole time! HE is a killer missionary! And Elder Cheney my old companion back in Hualian! HE is back down on the east coast but he came up and chilled with me for the day! He is so awesome! We had a really good day our exchange got cut short a little but we got to teach and find and work so that's all we need:)

Really good week! The Lord has blessed us greatly.

we had a fun week

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