Monday, September 25, 2017


This week has been insane! We have had some crazy stuff go down, we are about half way through all our exchanges for the transfer we are just starting week 3:) It has been fun to work with so many amazing missionaries! So i had the chance to exchange with 2 Elders i knew in the MTC they are actually one transfer above me, but they are both fantastic men! The first was with Elder Clegg for good ole' Idaho, we have been good friends for a long time now, we lived together for a while, and he was my DL back in HuaLian! And Elder Bagley a famous actor for the church;) We had a ton of fun!

We also had one of our investigators get baptized!徐子翔 He is so sick! Poor guy though so another ward in the chapel had a baptism before us, and the missionaries that were filling the font forgot to plug the font, so when they came in 5 mins before the baptism, and had 0 water in the font they freaked out, and we didn't know that until we opened the font for our own guy, and it was only half way full! He was a tall, strong guy, and the baptizer was a short, small guy. But after a few tries, and some creative maneuvering we got it!

We saw some super cool miracles this week! So we had some random guy show up to a dinner on Sunday night, and literally the first thing he said to my companion was, "in just a minute lets switch phone numbers; we can find a time to talk." hahaha we talked to him over dinner, and he was pretty much just telling us how to teach him, and when to call him, and what he wants to do. We laughed a good while after he left! Just because God was like, "I don't think you have enough blessings.... Here is this guy you can talk to!" 

I have been learning a lot lately from my companion about communication. My Comp. Elder Johnson, is probably one of the most sincerely reliant upon the Lord Elders i have ever met! He teaches me everyday how to be a better man, and missionary! But i think the NUMBER 1 thing in our companionship is we are trying to work better together at accomplishing what we are called to do! He is awesome.

I would like to take a quick second and thank all of my past companions. They have all been amazing men! Truly grateful for their examples, love, and work. They have shaped me. They have changed me, and they have helped me grow closer to Heavenly Father. They have been great shapers in my life. You are all awesome.

I love all of you that receive this, and i love all of you who I see, and I love all of you who i can contact, and I really just love all men.

Elder Conover

Mission home roof top

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