Monday, September 25, 2017

In and out

Well it has been a week and a half! of going in and out and with and without in every where! So i need to clarify i am just in central taipei where all missioanries have to come through. I am not in my first area, but that would be fun too!

It has been a great week! So we had a couple exchanges to do this week we had about 3 this week, i got to hangout with Elder Kimmel, Elder Clegg, and Elder Heaton. Some very fire missionaries! they are so sick! I have had the chance this week to enjoy running around NTU台大(which is pretty much a mini city) but it is with walking and biking instead of driving and riding.

I have been n the temple and i dont wanna take for ever i wanna go eat and play, so we will see you next week, i love you guys, this weeek has been sick god has blesssed us with much success and exceedingly fun opportunities.

i shaved my legs for the first time in my life it was fun

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