Monday, September 11, 2017

Back in black

Well all things have come back together, i am now back right where my very first steps were in taiwan. I am serving in the Xinan(信安)ward and i also cover the english ward! right here in central Taipei! I see a ton of foreigners running around now! 

My new companion is a champion missionary by the name of Elder Johnson, a great guy who was born in Taiwan, lived in Shanghai for a few years, but lived for the vast part of childhood in good ole Idaho! He is a fantastic guy! super humble and really loving! 

We had a great last little bit in Tucheng(土城) with Elder Fitzpatrick, i was sad to say good bye! we were starting to see some major changes! We had met some really cool people!, but they are all still doing really good! I was sad to only spend 2 transfers there but i am excited for the upcoming new challenges of being in the middle of Taipei City! I have the opportunity to work with a more missioanries and members now, so it will be cool to be a little more involved in things. This week has been a great learning experience for me... I have learned a lot from my new companion and have been grateful for his patience!

This week i have learned a big lesson on sincerely relying on the Lord all the time, and to really recognize like it says in Mosiah chapter 2"you own nothingness" and also "Relying wholey upon his grace, mercy, and merits" I have come to know very quickly i am weak, and need a ton of help! I have seen the way that heavenly Father works and the way Christ can help us. I have been a afirst hand witness to their power and their miracles, and have been a reciever and a giver of their love, and Grace. I will thank My savior Jesus Christ and my God Heavenly Father for all they have given me, and for the opportunity to give the same to other people. Please never forget "your own nothingness" because "even if we were to thank god with your whole soul we would still be unprofitable servants" But He loves us and enjoys our work and our praise and will bless us for our service and our obedience!

This week has been full from finding, teaching, moving, attending two wards, meeting new members and investigators, meeting more missionaries, having a lot longer time to sit down than i would like, and pretty much doing anything i could think of doing. It was actually pretty crazy we originally had all the new missioanries coming in on wednesday, but due to some strange problems we had them get here on Friday night! so we had a ton of missioanries not in their area! we had like 21 new missioanries come in! pretty crazy weekend for everyone!

Love all of you, Love God 加油
Elder Conover

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