Monday, December 4, 2017

New Companion!

Alright, so I got a new comp I will greatly miss Elder Johnson he was awesome! but now I got Elder Walters, who is only 6 weeks below me, he is awesome! He comes from the town of Las Vegas, and is one of the best pianists ever! he is super legit! He has been down on the east coast for a while, but now he had come back around to help me out! We have had some fun stories already because we both love to tell stories so we have been sharing the stories of our lives! he is hilarious!

So this week, we had a sweet PdAY out at elephant nose mountain, on the coast of keelung. Which was super sweet! we had a member take us out there and it was crazy fun we hung out with elder Jensen and Giordano, and the office elders there were a few sisters that came but mostly we had a couple elders. We found a little bunker outlook and climbed Inside that, and hiked up to the highest point nearby and it was beautiful. the members were so awesome!

so we had my new comp show up a day early and got him on Wednesday, but then we ended up having some serious problems on transfers, the number one thing was the babies didn't come! so we have trios all over right now! hahaha but the rest of everything went super smooth! Luckily everyone had a smooth sailing trip. we still don't know when the new missionaries are coming... oh no! 

We have had the chance these first couple days together to be fairly busy we have had things to do so far and have been truly enjoying it. though we had a frustrating sunday, we had soooo many people sleep in and cancel on us, I was sooo sad! But then we also heard from one of our awesome investigator  who just got back to Taiwan, that they have been having second thoughts the last few weeks(they've been gone) so we just need to see them. but they made the member friend nearly cry with disappointment so I felt super bad, but we told them both no problem we are gonna take care of it!

great week! Love all of you! -Elder Conover c

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