Tuesday, December 12, 2017

It’s all over now folks

Man this week has been crazy! We saw so much happen this week, we had 2 times where we had extra missionaries sleep with us, and we saw them off around 5AM, we had the new missionaries come in finally! A week late, they slept with us, and we were up witht hem around 5AM again, and within 48 hours we had a follow up meeting with half-way trainers, we had district leader training, welcomed the new missionaries, did welcome things with them and then we also held MLC, and then hwe had exchanges with some of my good friends!!! This week has been crazy!

So i had the chance to be with Elder Kaufusi and Jorgensen on exchanges, I spent it with Elder Kaufusi, he is such a good guy! we had a ton of fun! and I was so impressed with his work ethic and focus on finding and helping families into the gospel! WE had the chance to really go and do the missionary work and it felt so good with him! HE is quiet but dedicated, and isn't afraid to open his mouth! I love that guy!

I think we are past the "busy season" though so i think we are ready to rumble for this transfer. Elder Walters is so fun to be with! I am also so thankful for him! HE does such a good job at finding important tasks to do and then completing them! Its so nice, i can trust that he will finish anything he starts, and I know if he ever needs help, he will ask It's so fun with him!

Hey guess what! I love all of you!
Elder Conover

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