Sunday, December 17, 2017

Choirs and Carols

This week has been pretty awesome! so we have been doing a big choir thing lately, we do it every year. But it is so fun! we travel around with a ton is missionaries and perform for different things and then we can just talk yo everyone that attends! it's creates a great face for our church and helps people see us and give them an opportunity to interact with us. and we have a ton of fun singing Christmas songs!

We have also been doing Carrefour caroling. a large grocery business all over the island has partnered with us and they have groups of us go.around and Carol in their store with speakers and music. It is so fun. we have seen tons of success from it! What we did is we made our own little info card, and then we kind of just put a QR code on it, to have people scan and they can ask us (literally me and my comp) questions through line, and we can invite them to activities and to meet the missionaries. After 5 stores have done this we have over 100 people on this line and several people are met and set up through this activity!!! SO fun!

Also i had some super fun exchanges this week like with good old Elder Heaton, and ELder kleine and Elder Bird! man it was so fun! also the weather has  gone from summer to winter and back 2 times and we are back to winter witht he rain. IT IS COLD..... i dont like it!!!! psych it is so fun!!!! we wear sweasters all day long now a days! and we get to do a ton of fun stuff!

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