Sunday, April 30, 2017

Divebombing cockroach

Once upon I time, we came back home, after a long, warm day and loosened the tie, and threw down the bag. Then I started the AC and cooled off for about 3 seconds and picked up the phone, then i realized i wanted the bedroom to be cool as well, so i walk over and open the door grab the AC remote and start that puppy up! And i hear this sound like a dog scratching on the door. So i was about to turn it off, and then go check out the problem. And then all of the sudden i see a large reddish brown thing drop out of it. Right on top of my bed.... Obviously i knew what it is, so yelled to Elder Gibson to grab some stuff, while i glued my eyes to it. Eventually we grabbed my sword for obvious reasons, ain't no body wanna touch that nasty sucker, they are fast and they can squeeze out of anything. So we flicked it off my bed to the ground and in the end, long story short... several extra sheets flung everywhere, a mattress flipped, and a box-spring on its side. We had it trapped. AND AGAIN OBVIOUSLY he had to die to like a real monster he is. So after a few stabs threw the gut Elder Gibson thought he was dead, so we went to grab it and it ran away. So he caught it and threw it in the toilet, The final tally was about an inch and a half(or more) long and about 3/4 of an inch thick. Needless to say i turn on the AC and watch closely now a days.

And that was pretty much my week, love you guys -Elder Conover

Psych we had a really fun week! and we actually just had an LA take us to 宜蘭 YiLan for the day, we just got back, and then we will head over to play frisbee:) But we had temple day and that was super nice!!!! and we also had another trampoline day that was nice! I have still been trying the 300 workout! My body is tired. And we had another little kid english class activity! and everyone loved it agaijn!

the work has been great we have been working hard and seeing success we are looking good for May baptisms. And this is my last time to email with Elder Gibson my poor baby child. have fun

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Wow late P – Day

The This week has been insane!!!!!!!!! honestly we did so much stuff, i can't remember most of it, so if this email is short sorry.

first things first, a little while back, i helped the zone leaders teach a new guy the first lesson, and 2 weeks ago i helped do his baptismal interview he got baptized this week!!!!!!! He is a huge goof, and ges along with the elders well, cuz he likes to jok a ton!!

Also i found out this last week that a few friends from a little younger than me will be coming to my mission!!!!! im pumped out of my mind!!!!! So me and elder gibson were out this week, working as you do, ya know sharing about the living church of christ. and then we were like hey what ever happened to the former investigator family we knocked into over a mnth ago. Blow over there (pouring rain so it had some extra fun, actually it was nice this wek it cooled us off) and we set the family up for tomorrow(my time) We are very excited!!!! 

Also this whole week there is millions of fireflys on this really pretty hike by our house. Sadly i cannot get a good picture of them. our members took us there! and we had our cool investigator with us. It was super pretty!!! and we found out after catching a few, that if you touch them, they live until dead alone, because they smell like us now and their mate leaves them forever..... oops we made a few bachelor bugs that night..... sorry bro.

Also a little while we back met this dope Less-Active member. We called this week due to the fact that we have too many lessons and we had him help us do splits!!! so he helped me teach a lesson to a new iinvestigator! he did awesome! he even used an analogy i used while teaching him, and the new guy loved it! i was literally just pumped out of my mind, just in heaven, and after he was just like thanks for teaching me how to share the gospel!! and then he ame to curch! it was awesome!

 thats all i can remember love you guys!

Monday, April 17, 2017

The last second

DMan this week was awesome guys! Me and Elder Gibson have a ton of fun, just so you know! ALSO THE COMING WEEK MY P_DAY WILL BE ON WEDNESDAY, DON'T FREAK OUT. Awesome now that that is handled, back to the fun stuff, So this whole week we didn't have a ton of stuff going on, however i had one of the best exchanges of my mission. Because i went with Elder Cheney. HAHA ie my last companion. Man that was fun! 

So this week we had a sick chance to meet with a man by the name of 應承恩 ying cheng en. Who has been investigating the church for quite a few months now. Long before we came in. But we met with him this week for the first time in a few months. (he works from 9pm until 11am) its hard to get him to meet. But we reviewed the restoration of the gospel  with him, since it had been so long. And when we were sharing the joseph smith experience, he sat there stairing at the table and just wiated for a sec. Then slowly said "that story, when I read it and heard it, thats when i knew" In the 2nd floor of that 7-11 there was more than just a moment filled with the holy ghost testifying to all three of us the truth of this simple message. He is nowing working towards baptism in may.

We had some other really crazy miracles right near the end of the week. The4 middle of our week we didn't have a ton of time for finding in our area. So the weekend didn't have a lot of people set up. And right near sunday night, i was getting a little bit worried that we wouldn't make our trsanfer goal. And by the end of the night we some how managed to get 6 people to set-up with us. And we barely even touched the streets. I know that it was purely Heavenly Father preparing who and what we needed. When you make a goal, and trust that goal to the Lord, and then work with everything you have to achieve it. you can. 

I am eternally grateful for the chance to serve now as a missionary, and will love this chance forever. I took some time to look through the book of Proverbs in the Old Testament. I ran across this verse. Proverbs 18:19 which is along the lines of "a brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city, and their contentions are like the bars of a castle." I firmly believe that no matter who you are, you have no right to put down someone else. And especially when you do, you have now created quite the problem, and it is really hard to take care of. In Hebrews the Apostles remind us to continue you brotherly love. Never doubt the strength of the family. especially your brothers and sisters. And are we not all brothers and sisters? Love all men and women and children. Put no one beneath you. Rather do as the living prophets have directed us. "do you want to be happy? serve. Lift the hands of those that hang down in despair, strengthen the knees of those that struggle under their burdens." Please be happy my friend and family, and follow the Savior, serve all forbid none.

Elder Conover孔長老

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Letters and general conference

Man this week was freaking sick!! It freaking helps that Our LIVING PROPHET spoke to us, as well as many of our other leaders. I am grateful for the council that they give us every year. Since Being on the mission i have really grown a love for careful study of all their words, and applying them. It has changed not only my view on general conference but even my view on our church. Since i was little i was taught it was true. I never had a big doubt about it, however i did have to have a confirmation that it was true. And everytime i listen to them speak, i am reminded how true our church is, and that our church really is the only true church. And that no matter what nothing can stop our church from growing and building. I know it is true without a doubt. I have known since i was young. Give your children and your friends and siblings the same gift. 

So i wrote myself a letter in the MTC to my one year mark self. Which was an idea given us by our teacher. You should know i can be pretty inspiring. just kidding hahaha but really it was cool to kinda hear from my self to see my change improvement and also the level of depth change. I did actually read some really cool things, that were good to hear right now, So maybe i will do it again to my self about to go home:) I also read this thing called the riccardi letter. Which is a man writing to a missionary in the MTC about his experience on the mission. specifically with his trainer. Which gives a lot of good advice not only applicable to the mission field. But especially perfect for missionaries. I recommend to each of youy. To go and find your favorite talk this conference, and study it out. and take 3 things you want to change because of it.

General conference is great when you are a missionary, because they tend to focus on things like the Book Of Mormon, Reading, Praying, Conversion, Expeirences, and Basic doctrine expounded to all that hear. So i learned a lot of how to teach, and how to become better. And hopefully our LA's and investigators learned as well!:) 

I would like to share a super awesome miracle of this week. So we were out monday night street contacting people, and we pass this guy, and elder gibson calls, hey lets talk to him, i turn and say ok!:) we talk to this man, a bus driver by profession, and a christian by religion. Very kind. After the contact we do a quick prayer to decide where we want to go, and to be able to meet such a nice man. After the prayer we talk for a minute for direction. Our phone rings, it was the man we had just talked to. He says come to the 7-11 i want to buy you a drink. Show up buys us a drink. says hey come meet my family. *my mind, "oh darn i guess we have to!"*  meet his family about 2 mins away from our home, with 3 kids, and a nice wife, and a super cool younger brother. Hey sorry we have to be getting home in 10 minutes but we share about our church, and why it is different. Can we come back and share with you? "yeah i want that" dope, peace out homies.    yeah that happened. it was dope. I love missionary work. 

Love you guys😘

Elder Conover

Sunday, April 2, 2017

The dance squad

Well, breaking news i now have my own dance team and we are gonna sweep the nations and be famous. just all of you be aware of that. It consists of about 20 taiwanese children below the age of 12. And will be reknown due to its level of perfection. And adorableness. Just so you know.

But in real news this week has been crazy dope! after we had our dope hike last p-day we had an awesome week. all of thursday was spent in meetings and i had to switch companions i was with 3 times. between mine, to zone leader to another district's district leader, and back to the zone leader, and finally back to mine. I was tired by the end of that day. But We hasd exchanges with the zone leaders this week, and it was so fun! It's really easy to do since we live in the same apartment anyway. THEN on wednesday we went to visit this cool little kid that is the unbaptized son of an LA. She called us and asked to come share the lessons with him. She lives a 40 free way trip away from the chapel. She only has a moped right now, and her husbnd is 24/7 on call fire man. Its gonna be hard to help them be active.... But our bishop drove us there to meet him. By the end of the lesson he literally asked us, "when can i get baptized?"n yeah he is sick. hopefully we can do the same to the dad!

But the biggest thing this week is on friday we had a huge primary activity to help introduce a ton of english students from the 清潭國小 the Qing Tan elementry school, into our church. We had a chapel tour which we turned into a "treasure hunt" and we had them make st patties day stuff. (its march it counts) then we ad them dance with us for 20 minutes, and man you wouldn't believe how sweaty you can get in an AC'd chapel, when you have 20 kids dancing and like 15 adults dancing with us. We had them do "irish jig dancing" we turned on jig music, and just had them do a ton of random stuff🐒🐒🐒a little dosy doe, and a little knee popping and some spinning. it was crazy fun. Our members think we are the most amazing missionaries it awesome😋😋 the next day the bishops family invited us to eat with them, and some of their none member family members. Elder Gibson made 黃姊妹 Sister Huang cry, because of his testimony. Hopefully we can help out her family members. 

We have also started working with an LA member, who more or less only knows 1 or 2 commandments of the church, and still refers to us as the mormons. He was baptized more than 15v years ago. And who ever baptized him probably did not ever even share the story of joseph smith. He asked us if we were the mormon missionaries when we first met him, because he didn't know for sure.... But he is sick, he has started reading the book of mormon. And he drove us up a mountain purely to meet with him. he is sick.

Love you guys, I'd like to just bear testimony of the changing power of this church especially daily prayer and scripture study. When we found that LA member, he was a grumpy about to retire but open man, since the beginning of last week, he started reading the Book of Mormon when we visited him yesterday, he gave us a huge smile, and he had a different feel around him, and he just was consistently happy. Please let this truth chnage your life, and bring happiness!

Elder Conover

aside from year mark this week, it was Elder Andersons bday so we bought a 40 pound watermelon. The 4 of us are STILL eating it. and even better is it comes out to about $10american #taiwan