Monday, October 31, 2016

Nailed it!!!!

Elder Miner and I have spent a good deal in thought this week as to why the heck we are so tired literally everyday. I told a few of you this before i left, but my goal for my mission was to come home every night exhausted, tired, and barely make it through night prayers. i would like to report we do that. In addition to that goal the good Presdient Jergensen challenged me to make sure i was tired for the right reasons, we are doing that. 

We opened this area, and have put a lot of sweat, thought, work, love, and time into improving it. As we have done this we have seen many miracles, and much of the Lord's help in covering our weakneses. Elder Miner and I have a great time, shooting eachother with finger guns, making fun jokes, seeing drunk people in the back of trucks and dancing with them as we bike, seeing taiwanese marachi bands drive down the highway in the back of a truck while playing. Let me just leave it at 鳳林is the best area to ever exist!! SO NAILEDIT!

The next part for the title is what we saw two days ago, as we were down in 光復finding, we were biking down one of the main roads, we see a moped start to drive away, not a very clean take off, and not a very clean drive. One guy driving, and a lady on the back. All of the sudden we see the lady try to step off as it is moving, probably about 8-12 miles per hour... While still holding the back of the moped.... Her head made a nice thump as it hit the asphault. We pulled off to see what the heck, she was straight KO'ed for about a minute. two other ladies came running up, her friend got off the moped walks over and sits her up still KO'ed and starts hitting her back, and was like "你還OK,沒有關係" you are ok, no problem.(translation) Then the cops showed up and the guy obviously drunk walks to the moped and drives away leaving his still KO'ed friend on the ground. After a few minutes she utterly failed the line test, she coouldn,t even stand whithout falling around, partially drunk partially is she smashed her head. #wordofwisdom #Godknowswhatheisdoing Elder Miner and I asked them if it happens often, they said it was he profession...好,隨便你。 ok all you. We developed a new love for WOW.

However this week has been amazing!! 王家庭 is the best!! Thier children are utterly adorable. we were finishing up a visit with them; and their 4 year old daughter walks up and looks at Elder Miner with a very mischievious smile, Elder Miner bends down and asked what, she jumped on him and gave him a hug, as I was saying goodbye to the 5 year old son; she ran up behind me and jump on my back to give me a hug. They are so freaking cute!!!!! Everytime they see us they shout 哥哥來了 (big bro came) and they all run to the door! Their whole fmily makes us so happy!

I would like to talk to everyone right now about friendships, this is something i didn't even know i believed until junior or senior year, but it is something i have a strong testimony of. Friendship. They are a sacred thing, Jesus in Jonh 15:15(約翰) makes this very clear. Your choice in who you spend time with really will change your lives. I have seen it strengthen people, and destroy them, i have seen it build love, or even destroy testimony. I have felt it both hurt and repair. Friends are a sacred thing. This is why my friends are like my family anf family like freinds. I invite you all to look at who you spend time with and really think is it helping you be you.

Love you all!!!! 孔長老 Elder Conover.

Monday, October 24, 2016

October 25

The strangest of problems

This has been a super fun week!!! we have ran into problems that i didn't think would ever be a problem, actually i shouldn't even call them problems, they are more of possible delays to our great investigators that we have met down here in feng lin.

The most possible one is the fact that it will be hard to teach our best family, because they are too busy setting up their friends and family to meet us, and to share with them. This family is literally the bomb! they have set up 2 or 3 times this week alone(coming week) for them to take us to friends and family to share this message with them because they love it so much. (they came to church once so far, and have shared POS and Restoration with them. The other super cool thing about them is they said "we have been baptized before, but you're telling us they had no authority so that doesn't count can we be baptized again?" after we invited them that was their reply. they are perfect.

We have had a blast this week for P-day we decided we have no money but we don't know what to do down here lets just bike up to ji an. (1 1/2 hr wind against us) and then we will go on the hike with (turned out to be biking straight up the mountain) and then we can just come home (1 1/2 raining this time) then we can just go out to wan rong tonight for finding (15 minutes out 15 back still raining) we woke up this morning and didn't want to at all:) but we get to email today (tuesday) because our area is awesome and we have to come up 5 hours early to District Meeting cuz its a 40 minute train ride.

The other problem we have ran into is the fact that being at the church takes away a lot of time, we have to take the 8:15 train to get to activities that occur around 1 pm, its awesome! but we get plenty of time to sit! so now we are having to schedule all set-ups on other days. Ironically feng lin is pure perfection wrapped up in joy and long bike rides to anywhere:) we were out last night and decided to re-visit a family we met a week or so back, and got to meet the husband, they are really nice, and i think they can become really good members, i cant wait to get them moving. but them we rann off back into wan rong a little ways, and decided we would knock that night, we turned off to the rigth side after seeing someone outside their house and began a conversation. she has 3 kids and is extremely willing to meet, and showed a lot of interest. and then kept going and went over near a catholic chapel and stopped at the first house, and they have 3 kids, over 18, all have a lot of faith and me and Elder Miner as we sat in their house talking could feel their potential. if we can baptize that family we will have half of the amount of melch. priesthood holders we need to start the branch down here in fenglin. We have a lot of hope for this area the stake wants the branch started by the end of the year. and we have a strong hope a desire to do that.

The Lord does his own work, when he wants it done it happens, i have seen his hand, and felt his power! he truly is preapring our paths, we can't always see the end but he knows where he wants us to go. "I am the gardener here" and sometimes you must be pruned clipped, wind blown, weeded around, pushed, tied, and sometimes broken; but it is all for your benefit.


Beautiful views

Banana s

Lots of bananas

Road cut off by landslide. 

Time with investigators

New ties

Comps that sing together....

Side in the back of a truck from some random guy

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

17 Miracles

October 17
I am excited to begin this week by informing you all of the miraculous journey we had this week!

we began this week in fenglin, probably the dopest place ever. as we began this week on a nice train ride to ji an to spend the day with the zoneleaders and the other elders in our ward. We ended that day with a pretty nasty roller skating crash down a hill, and getting free food. we continued, on into tuesday where we had our first DTM an endeavor not to small for fenglin. which took us much traveling and walking. but after that we visited brother chao in the top of the mountains(he runs a paragliding business) we are preparing him for the temple with his wife. the Beutler's our areas senior couple is in charge but asked us to assist them in this work. which we ended up driving across half the road because the rain had broken the road to the point that driving across it would cause falling. the next morning we arose and biked up the mountain and again as we crested and were returning the road was covered in a landslide. we had to lift the bikes across this area and then continue down. after which we biked about 40 minutes south to guangfu, and spent the day there, we are very poor because starting the area takes a lot of money. so we ate delicious bread with raisins. and picnic'd on the way back to the "village" we call it the village because of the distinctly defining factor that we set them all up together. and went and got to know them a little bit, they are all aboriginals very poor, and extremely humble and kind. after we met them we set them to come back again so we can share restoration with them all. and then specifiaclly met with the host family, who came to church our first week in fenglin(yesterday) they have 3 highenergy kids! and are very devout to christianity but are very willing to here. needless to say this whole week was full of miracles.

we tried to count them and couldnt cuz we kept thinking of more! this area is prepared to hear and accept this gospel,i am priviledged to serve here!!! we had the chance to visit wang family and they took us to a aboriginal game fest like oncwe a year  thing (bought ties there) and then they showed us an ancient secret most people dont know (they took us up near a members home) very pretty place, they proceeded to tell us about their good friend who lives around the area (our member) and said we should meet him. you can imagine how delighted we were to hear this. #miracle the member after knowing about this asked us to invite him whenver wemeet with them. (we dont have many members around to help with lessons #doublemiracle!

In church wang family came, loved it! the ward helpedso much, and the second hour the dad shared his testimony about family... (we just need to fioll the font already) i love this place!

I love you all a whole butt load!!! we might have to switch email day to tuesday... this is the onlyplace to do emails within an hour bike ride.... its really ghetto... and isnt for sure open monday just FYI


(no pictures today) this place is to ghetto

Monday, October 10, 2016

October 9, 2016 Passed Go Collect...

thanks for joining in the 6 week monopoly game. let me fill you in on what you missed. Elder Conover and Elder Zhuang rolled the dice, and landed on a chance card, Elder Zhuang pulled the card and was told to return to "GO" to recieve a baby, while Elder Conover pulled and was told to advance to the next unowned railroad. He needed to pass "GO" so he was told to collect his luggage, a new phone, and Elder Hamiliton to move on. He arrived that afternoon in the neighboring city and had to pay the Player "Zoneleaders" their due rent of Elder Hamilton and a one night stay. The next day Host arrived to help conduct him to his new railroad, Elder Conover was also allowed to bring a business partner Elder Miner was previously selected. When they arrived in their new railroad, Host(bishop) asked if they were interested in purchasing or just passing through. Elder Conover and Miner purchased the fenglin railroad property, they have already managed build 1 house in the property. what will happen next?!

So this transfer i recieved the message as to where i was going and for those unfamiliar with my strange speach i came down to hualian (east coast) which is about a 2 hour train ride down the coast by fast train. We came and stayed with the zoneleaders for a night as we had no iea how toi get down to fenglin. me and elder miner are actually both from bingham we had the same chinese class. we are now starting this area where missionaries haven't been before as in they haven't ever opened an area here. the only time people have seen missionaries is when they had to go up to taipei or into main city. fenglin township its self is about 3 roads going long ways, and about 5 roads the short way. its about a 5 minute ride from one corner to the other(longest) and is very dope feeling. however our area coversd about 5 or 6 of these little cities. we have a large area going from hualian ji an area down to yuli.... its freaking dope!!!!!!!!!!!!! we have started this area and so far it has rained every single day. we have pure finding everyday all day:) it is probably the best place in the world, i still have a lot of mountains im in a valley again. with good rivers, and the ocean only like a hour and a half straight over the mountain by bike. our chapel is about a 40 minute train ride, and 15 minute walk. i am in love with this place, our first night there we had 4 people give us food:)

we have the best miracle ever, so we stopped off the side of the freeway to talk to this little community a little bit, we get to the back corner and talk to this old lady who makes yuan zhu min(aboriginal) clothes and got to know her, and we then found out she has a son the has no bone of the sides of his head because of a major motorcycle accident and we talked with him and her together, we ended up setting them up for tuesday, and they asked if they can invite all their neighbors to meet with us to! and we simply said "yiding keyi" for sure can, they said they would host it. pretty sure we are just gonna baptize all 20 people in that community. just sayin.... 

i liked this conference a lot (because i just barely watched it due to time difference) i think they gave us a lot of amazing counsel! i hope you can all take the oppurtunity to listen to the PROPHET and APOSTLES seriously that is something i lacked until later in highschool, but i can give you a personal testimony that if you lisen, take notes, and think how you can apply it. you will ALWAYS find good assistance, they're advice though given to everyone applies even to the babe that cant understand. i invite you to just take it seriously and watch again even one of the talks it can be completely random, but honestly watch that one, i can promise you it will help you rright now in life. 

Elder Conover is back to work .... peace!

Here is his new Area Hualien he said it's a large area with very small towns. He is so excited to open this area. They have not had missionaries here before. 

All packed up

On the train with new comp. Elder Miner

Mission pres. Van loaded 

Spending a night en route with zone leaders and opening a coconut with a sword. Seems like a good idea. 😳

New apartment 

No beds yet 

New area

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Elder Conover and Elder Facer make the National Taiwanese News

A sweet member sent me a message on face book with a link to the news story with Jason and his companion. This was back in August if you remember, they have since upgraded to a bigger Poké Ball  and still make a lot of contacts In the park and on the street with the Pokémon craze. 

Here is the Link to the story.... Sure wish I new some Chinese. 😜

Monday, October 3, 2016

October 3, 2016 Kao Rou King @6

So i would like to start this off by saying that i have now been out for over 6 months 1/4 of my mission is gone... mother goose with a pickled leapard that was fast. now this week was a party!!! to start off my companion spent the majority of this week like this "im so poor" "wow you are crazy rich" "i cant do that i just wont eat" and by the end of the week he was like this "im rich" "tell me im rich" "i dont need to care how much money cuz im rich" as well as "call me kao rou king" "you are so weak" kao rou means BBQ just in case for some wierd reason you didnt know.

so me and elder zhuang decided that the very last day of this month (6 month mark) 9/30 we would kao rou chi dao bao "BBQ eat til full" which is probably one of my favorite things about taiwan! but also this month i had to make several major purchases for our apartment as well as a large exercise ball. normally we get a pretty easy month to make it through. i lived this month on about 3000K hahaha thats not alot. but ironically i still ate just fine and in the end it ended up being just slightly over how much i needed this month. i went into the first day with about 40NT left #godfeedsme no problem! hahaha so this week elder zhuang isnt very careful with money so he was scaping because he buys very expensive food! also this is the very last Pday of this transfer i am almost garunteed to leave. large bunch of new missionaries coming in elder zhuang hasnt trained yet, and he is pretty much for sure training! so we played moving madness in DTM everyone guesses who is going where and what they do, and if they are dying how long til married. i have been told 3 times i will go to miao li, because i love mountains, 2 times i go to taoyuan because its the promised land 1 time to zhubei. and as the seasons are running late i should either go to zhubei or taidong for some slight patterns that have occured lately that i am too lazy to explain. but we will see. 

so this week me and elder zhuang had a lot of fun he has been teaching me how to solve a rubics cube, im really close to knowing how! yay my 3rd grade dream is coming true. last pday we got haircuts and played basketball with a whole lot of elders at the BU(mission home chapel) it was super sick! then we spent the week as missionaries do. ya know. preachin, then we were finally at kao rou day and elder zhuang decided that if i didnt eat the last piece of meet that was clearly his piece he would be kao rou king, and since i am obviously more humble;) i consented him to be kao rou king, as he said "why are you so weak? bow down to me and call me kao rou king" i didnt bow down but i do call him kao rou king, but thats ok today we are going again with the zone, and he will be crushed. 

we had exchanges with zhuwei, and we ended up having to do them on sunday which was fun, in which we and danshui investigators all got together ate to end our fast abd went to the big firesidse tpgether. at which i got to see sam again! (he was a shilin baptism, but me and him havebeen really good friends!) as well as jim a danshui inv. that i have a very good friendship with, jim will be baptized soon but he doesnt want to set a date cuz he feels forced if its liek that. but he knows everything is true and wants to be baptized, and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. jim just needs to go he is awesome love that guy. 

also elder zhuang became a man, he shvaed for his first time this week! i taught him how to shave! he thinks he is super manly now! it was literally so funny!
i love you guys to the end. Elder Conover out peace