Sunday, August 27, 2017

Patience is great

I will have to be a little bit fast this week because i have some stuff to do, but i will be back in in a bout 30 ish minutes after i get off. But this week has been a ton of fun! So about a week or two ago i told y'all that i got stood up on a ton of lessons well a good part about that is that about 14/16 were at the chapel and we given them 10 minutes and two calls before they are "stood up" just our companionship rule. Well i realized i like to just play around on the piano, and i had my baby teach me some basic playing form on the piano, and whenever we were waiting for a lesson i just sat at the piano, i can now read the notes, and play them. very very very slowly. But hey my top hand "be still my soul" is getting pretty decent!hahaha

this week has been cool, because we have seen a lot of movement that our investigators were lacking, we have met a ton of really cool people this transfer. Right now we are working with a very large investigator pool. But this week we had the cahnce to take 3 of them and either move their date back and reset a more solid one that i think they will hit next month. or re-set a new one! so it was super cool to see some of the commitment happen this week. I have also learned that i often have very high expectations and when not met i become frustrated. But never with anyone else just with my self. So i have been really learning the value of patience, Which is enduring well or as Pres. Utchdorf says "enjoy to the end" because when it doesn't work out just perfect well deal with it, readjust plans and go again.

I had the opportunity to do an exchange this week with a good companionship that is training right now. I went with the trainer, Elder Keleman from provo Utah. He is a great man, and a good missionary. We had a ton of fun together because the first day we taught a couple really fun lessons. And when we went out the second day we went on a bike ride to find a mystery address, to help give a member's friend an address. We ended up biking over into the taoyuan zone, oops, so we biked back figured out the directions and then we biked over to where the sanxia elders live pretty much. So we blessed the cool guy, he was super sick. then biked home and sent him home for his own area.

We also have been helping a few investiagors we have 2 really close to baptism they know all the commandments we are just working on their personal desire to truly endure to the end. But they should be ready for september baptrism! we are hoping with in the next 2 weeks maybe 3 to get them baptized... they are sick!

It has been a good week, i would like to share my testimony of church attendance.

I have come to the realization and revelation that church isn't there to go and listen to a speaker and see if they bring the spirit to your life. Church is about you worshipping the lord, and building a relationship with him. Our church is so special because no matter what is said it is a time for you to bring the spirit into your life, to repent, to change, and to grow closer with the lord. It also strengthens our families and we go together. In the Book of Mormon it says "they did meet together oft to talk of the salvation of their souls" build friendships is good, but the reason you are there is to worship. And is your personal duty not the Bishop's not the speaker or the teacher. You get out what you put in. I love that principle! go there ready to PARTICIPATE in the service! i absolutely love church and love the Lord, it is a great priviledge to worship Him. And i know you can come to feel the same joy as I do through your preparation and participation! 

Elder Conover
life is good

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

No way!!!

OSo i will be honest right here, there was quite a long week this week, full of lots of things happening but actually very little happening. We had a ton of people set up this week, and come and meet with us, but about 90% stood us up. So we had a pretty long week in terms of we had to do sudden change of plans and usually that meant street contacting. But we still had a ton of fun! 

First i want to share we went on our exchanges with the AP's this week and i had the opportunity to go with the new Elder Johnson! He is so awesome! Truly a great example of missionary work. Because on the exchange i would say its safe to say he has changed my mission. He showed its not only about what your doing but what your striving for. He is a very humble guy! Super hard working, and has such a big desire to improve. But the biggest thing is that we both just were excited to work, but we worked together, it was one better than the other. Even though Elder Johnson is for sure much more powerful than i he is still so humble and great at making you feel needed. I'm sure he could baptize the nation on his own though. We had a ton of fun, had a chance to really help some people there. And teach a few lessons and contact on the streets as well as work with a member or two.
 We did this thing we have been starting recently that has been really effective, we bring an extra BOM every visit and we bring it out with high lighters. We mark our favorite scriptures and read them, and ask the member to share and mark a few, then we tell them, this book is now yours you have one week to deliver to a friend. At first the member was like i dont know anyone, but as we read the spirit brought about 3 or 4 names to him! really good exchange!

then the remaining week was filled with time, we had about 16 potential lessons stand us up, but on the bright side i am slowly learning how to play the most basics of piano!!! we have about 10 mins of time waiting in the chapel before we decide that they aren't coming of course with a call or two. But i just sit at the piano and my companion teaches me how to read, and really basic playing skills! You should know my "be still my soul" top hand only, top line is get ting pretty good for about grand total of an hour of practice/learning😉

However i would say CROWNING moment of the week! Sunday morning we got up and got ready and start biking 40 mins later we got back to my old ward, at 9am to attend zhou zhong yue"s confirmation! his family is now on track for eternal marriage! He is a great miracle! We helped his wife be active again, he is now a member of the church, and their adorable children can now grow up in the covenant i look forward to the day they can be sealed together for ever!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Companions in and out

So this has been quite the week! We had the chance to go and do two exchanges this week! so this week i had 3 companions;) haha just kidding but i did have a ton of fun! I am to the point where the vast majority of people i go on exchanges are younger than me, especially right now we have 3 companionships in training right now! so it has been really fun! Because they are all very driven missionaries!

We had the chance to meet some really cool people this week! so we have been meeting with an LA and oart member family, with 2 children unbaptized 18/19 and they are really only LA atleast they say because theu don't know anyone when they moved here years ago! But we have been trying and trying to get them on a baptismal date. We have asked 2 or 3 times! but they keep giving us silly excuses that might seem real to them. But we sat down with them, and at the end of reviewing plan of salvation and gospel of jesus christ we invited, and it came out again. Then My temporary companion was like "it isn't about do you have time in (2months) on that exact day, it is about are you willing to work for it." and they kind of looked down and thought and then agreed to work for it. They still didn't set a date but they said they will work for the baptism. That was a really cool experience.

We also had the cool chance as we were contacting on the way over to an investigators house, we stopped a lady on her moped, and she pulled over and talked with us after the light trned green, and we ended up setting her up for the next day, she couldn't met that day, but set up for sunday. Well she showed up with her two kids!!!!!!!! and had a really good lesson with her! and her kids are super legit thier 5/8 and both have great english! But we have her set up again and hopefully she can bring her husband next time. But they are gonna be an awesome family to start teaching! We have been really blessed in this area to have a couple of families to teach and make the teaching process so much sweeter, they are much harder to find time and help understand the gospel, but they are so worth it!

this week has been great we nearly killed oursleves on a hike from heat last week, hosttest day of the year......

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Summer is here

Well we have either had heavy rain or heavy sun for the last week! It has been fun to know that summer is here and is ready to give everyone a big sunny blast to the face every morning! We have had quite the week this week! So to kick it off we decided due to heavy rain to postpone our hike, and we would go up and play ball in the taipei jinhua chapel! It was awesome had a bunch of the old district in xindian over there to say hello! And we played for a good solid couple of hours, and wore our selves out pretty efffectively! haha

But this week we had the opportunity to have a district meeting with our new district and get to know everyone! So it was just so exciting to meet everyone! we have some really good missionaries around here! We are going to explode all over the west taipei!

we also had the chance for a great training from president! It was literally awesome! it lit a fire, we are setting a awesome mission wide goal to get more baptisms! we have some awesome fire and the leaders throughout the mission are setting everyone up! We are getting this place lit up! so the first thing they trained on for this was simply the power of the book of mormon, which is truly powerful! literally i can share several miracles just from the last few days about the book of mormon. But i will simply say if you have any question that your wondering about open the book and read it, you dont necessarily need to find any place to read just open and read from it. You will find answers on every page. It will strengthen you, and support you through everything. And it will lift you beyond your wildest dreams becoming someting so much more.

We also had the chacne for exchanging this week! i got to go with our district leader! Elder Diener man he is a champion! We had the chacne to book it over to shulin to meet up with a member and eat. He has been struggling a little on activty and then he is going to one of the worst places in taiwan to do the mandatory military service, for 3 months. But he is a great man, just a little confused right now about what he needs to be doing. But he is a sincere man! We will continue to work. Then he got sick from eating an unrefrigerated hard boiled egg. So we took care of that the next day. He is a powerful missionary! 

Life is good everyone, be excited to live, be excited to go and do no matter what it is! I read in 3rd nephi yesterday during my language study i was reading in chinese because GREAT practice reading ancient records. But i came into the verse that jesus asks the multitude "which of you taking thought can add a single cubit to his stature" so DONT WORRY ABOUT IT dont complain dont delay go and just do guys! life is good!

Love you! Elder Conover

Scroll letters 

Bamboo blown over from Typoon

Blisters from wet feet working in dress shoes

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Old things pass away, All things are made new

IE transfers!!!!!!!! Elder Puzey is outa here! i got a new companion! Elder Fitzpatrick of Sunnyvale, California. A champion i met back in the MTC he is older by 1 transfer. But man he is a great man! We have had a great time!

Step 1- when you recieve a new companion make sure you give hima good tour of the area, and then right before a large typhoon hits bike over into the north side of your zone to give a baptismal interview and make sure he is on a bad exchange bike that skips as he tries to ride up the hills! 

good  Step1: check! 

Step 2- when the typhoon makes it to you, make sure you have to bike across a large bridge near on coming traffic with crazy winds whipping down the river, and ensure you have to bike agaisnt the large part of the typhoon winds after you get off the bridge and can enjoy screaming hymns at the top of your lungs. 

good step2: check!

Then just have fun running around helping people pick up mopeds and clean up fallen bamboo, and then grab a flimsee hand saw and help people clean up the wreckage of their bamboo crushed house, needless to say we had a dope service opportunity while we were riding along the road, found an old grandma with a huge grove about 8ft across and 10Ft thick of bamboo got ripped up in the wind and crushed thier house luckily at that time they had not been injured but the house severely damaged they had 6 people working sincne 7am until about 8pm to clean up and didn't come close to finishing. But we had the chance to jump in shirt and tie and saw up some bamboo, and some crazy drunk guy told us we couldn't leave nd Jesus says we have to saty and do. for the record he had just barely walked over there and he had no intention of helping. He was pretty funny.

I forgot the camera i had some good picks of trees ripped up and my new comp butnext week

love you guys.serve all love god obey:)

Elder Conover