Sunday, June 25, 2017


Alright i have had an insane week! I would like to begin by saying God is good and when we do what he asks and work our hardest things work out. We were having a few struggles trying to get people to set up this week, and we went into Sunday with no people set up to meet, and only 1 new person set as a new investigator, but We began our nights sleep on Saturday with a comp prayer to make the goal of the mission. We prayed again that morning and then did everything we could to make it.Well we got a call that morning at like 11am that there was a random dude at the other ward, and he lives in our area. We needed to come now and bring  BOM. We show up and it is this dope dude named charley許, not only that we also saw a mom we contacted that week twice at church there! Then when it came time for our church we had a former guy come to church a guy ironcially Elder Facer taught named Dino. We ended the day hitting our goal.

This week has been fun we have had exchanges and meetings to attend this week so we have not had the most time in our area, and it has been sunny with no clouds lately. So it has been quite the week for sweating! Especially when saturday came, It actually happened to be a really fun day! so we had 4 people stand us up, so we went over across the river to 樹林shulin. And spent a whole afternoon rolling aroudnt he area contacting the streets! We named one part of it Godricks Hollow, cuz the whole part just doesn't feel right, and just strange, and so when we want to go there we just know it as Godrick's Hollow. But it was actually a really good day especially for being outside in the least useful time. 

But after that we ate with Daniel 賴 and his girlfriend. Daniel is a struggling member about 18 or 19. he is super cool ,and had a lot of questions to ask us. which was really awesome his girlfriend wasn't too interested but she has met missionaries before. But we helped him solve a lot of problems he was struggling with. He is super dope guy, just needs some encouragement. 

Other than that it has been a ton of fun with Elder Puzey, he is a great guy, and is working hard, andkilling it! Love this place.

Elder Conover

The heritage

just so you all know i have moved into Tu Cheng土城 which just so happens to be my papa's last area. It is like a family inheritance*winky face to Elder Gibson in 中壢* It has been quite the full last couple of days. All topped off with a great new ward!

So lets get started we had the chance in BiTan碧潭 to go and visit the 周 family right before i left the day before actually, and they are still just so amazing a couple of aboriginals in the mountains of 烏來 they are so funny! we had the chance to say good bye, they will be great! Also that same day i would like to share another crazy miracle! this week was full of them.

So the day before meaning tuesday night we had gone knocking in a place we call the pocahantes corner, you know cuz its "just around the river bend" And the first doorbell buzzer thing we rang the guys says i am busy not right now(never heard that one before) so we ask if we can come back the next day(wednesday) and he says 好好好(sure sure sure) and we say 4pm the next day. Well we show up at that time, he actually lets us in!!!! not only that he was such a sick guy! he literally explained that he didn't like his family tradition of buddhism and wanted to start learning christian stuff but never knew how, then we knocked on his door!

Also another miracle that i was only half part of, we set up a member who came from arizona to visit family back here(she is taiwanese) and she said her little bro wanted a BOM and Bible in chinese, we were happy to help, then she asked to come meet him, well the DAY AFTER I LEFT i was on the phone with Elder Lin(林) and he says he was incredible too!!!!!!!!!!!

The miracles are already rolling over here in this area too, we have been putting in some good work and finding some really cool people. We have a dope warad they are all a bunch of love-able people. And they are excited to do work, so i hope we can really blow it up together!

My new companion is a great man by the name of Elder Puzey. He graduated with me, however he goes home in the next two months, he is an idaho boy and is 帥 as you can get! He is a diligenty hard working missionary and he loves the work. So we are gonna have a ton of fun together!

good bye to my last area, also i bought some fake knives they are dope

Monday, June 12, 2017

Summer inbound

alright well summer has arrived as a result whether or not you are moving or standing, or in shade or sun, you sweat to freaking death, now is the time where you could stand outside and not do a single thing and feel good because you lost weight through sweating, and you turn the AC onto like 17 degrees but it really only gets to like 23. Man i am freaking pumped!!!!!!!!!

Also part two of this email, I FOUND A SWORD SHOP its like 2 minutes from our house and they have some of the dopest things you could ever find, including a super dope full handel and bladed sword. As well as a remake elven blade from lord of the rings. and they also sell rubber kniives.... just saying, its dope.

So this week we had some crazy miracles go down! #1 we are walking around on the streets and we find a place to sit and to do some studies outside in a park. And backround a few days before we saw this dude with 2 huge dogs walking around and elder Lin wanted to talk to him, b ut we had to get going. so we sit down and barely get started the guy walks by, and Elder Lin says' i have to ttalk to that guy, should we do it? and im shoving stuff in my bag and saying yeah what are you waiting for!" We talk to him and turns out, he is an old investigator (rich or 張瑞麟 zhang rui ling) from beitou (my first area) and he had been reffered over to us, but never answered the phone. Well we set up with him for the next day!!!!!#2 that same night we were walking around talk ing to people and we got a call from a possible investigator we met a long time ago and they had never had time to meet, well she set up with us that night, we go and meet with her, and after ther lesson, she told us that my dope companion during the prayer and the lesson said everything she needed help with. So she was very interested to meet with us again.

I have been reading in Alma of late, the war chapters. I personally wuite enjoy them and learn much especially from moroni and pahoran. In chapters 60-62 moroni sends an epistle(A LETTER)  pahoran because of the neglect(lack of care) shown to him and the armies, and also helaman and his armies. and moroni more or less roats pahoran and tells him to "be up and doing" or he "will come speedily unto him" and that means he is gonna wreck anyone that says against freedom. Well after getting a pretty straight forward epislte(LETTER) FROM moroni, pahoran humbly accpets the correction, and informs him of the problems that happened(he got chased away by an overthrow and some people took control of the city) he accpeted it and actually rejoiced in it, because it showed the heart of moroni, and gave him some needed direction. 
Elder Christopherson(?) taught us that we should humbly accept and even seek the corrections of the Lord, and that we should rejoice in them, for "whosoever the Lord loveth he correcteth" i have had a great cahnce lately to do so, i have been working the past nearly 30 days to take any thought behavior and missed opportunity and getting rid of it by repentence and by changing, and i have felt the promise of Ether 12:27 come true as i come closer to god i feel weaker and weaker, but i have felt his strength in supporting me. I would like to tell you all he is real and is living and watching us. He has great hopes and plans for us all. Seek him, and ask his help in becoming who you can! 

Monday, June 5, 2017

Rainy season

Well it has been dumping rain everyday thisis literally the first time i have seen the rain in several days, soometimes we wake up as dark as we went to sleep... They told us it will be like this the entire month with few break days. We are suppose to get some more tonight.:) You know what we have been doing, we have been getting wet:) how fun is that? there has been some dope floods happening, in our area it is too bad, but the places with nearby river and stuff there has been work days called off due to the severity, it has been pretty dope, and even though it is that wet, we still sweatto death in our rain coats! so pretty much we livein taiwan:) 

I would like to share my testimony of the power of this gospel, because i feel i have not been as active at that lately over email, i have seen people sacrifice sleep, money, time, work, friends, and pretty much anything you can thinkof just to be a part of this church, i have done the exact same, i have sacrifcied much, i know that we all have, and that we all could continue to sacrifice much. I am eteranlly grateful for the blessings of faith, hope, confidence and perspective this chrcuh has given me since i was young. I am eternally grateful for my family and the examples and blessings they have been to me, i am forever grateful for everything i have learned from them and with them. I firmly believe that everyone i meet i learn from, and am influenced by them. I love so very much the ability god has vlessed me with to serve and to go and do for him. I will never forget this expierence of those that have helped me on my way. every family member friend companion rc, member and random person imeet. I will do my best to always show my love and gratitude foryou. and am willing to do what ever to help you.

this week has been great, we have done much, and will continue to do:) i honestly have been super bad about writing in my journal lately so i can't remember too much, i will catch up this week and repent and change, 

Love you guys!!
