Monday, March 27, 2017

The joy of Taiwan!

This week has been pretty dope! it flew by in the middle, but once we hit the weekend we had a bit of a tuough time. out of the 7 new people we had set up to meet with us between friday and saturday we had 0 actually show up... and iy rained again on us... However me and Elder Gibson actually had a ton a fun! We just decided that we would keep a good attitude. We still saw a ton of cool miracles! 

First miracle we were biking along to the chapel, when we passed a guy and after the classic "帥哥!" I felt really strong to turn around and to talk with him. So encouraging at elder gibson to turn around and talk with the guy we started up a conversation. After the contact the man, just kinda sat there ttrying to find a reason to keep talking with us. It was very clear that he did not want to go, however we were rushed on time, so we said good bye and sent him on his way. I can't wait to meet with him. 

Also since my year mark is in 3 days im crazy pumped! we are emialing later today because we went and did a sick p day hike to bgein the day. which lead to us getting lost for a couple hours in the taiwan mountains in the middle of the forest, which was super dope! One of the companionships brought an RC, so in the end i was walking behind him hloding him up from falling down the mountain side and sliding for a long time through vines and mud. FOR THE RECORD i now understand how in the movie tarzan kurjak accidently dies. Sometimes there is a ton of vines and you can slip alot. The best part was coming back down 1 hour ride down the mountains away from 烏來. which also is part of our area. We might go find there one day:)

Also my last companion Elder Cheney is now in our district, and Elder Facer is in the zone. We are gonna do some super cool stuff. I'm currrently pumped out of my mind for this transfer. We are gonna do some really fun stuff to get this place on fire! 

Love you guys 

Monday, March 20, 2017

Less active and nonactive's

Well we have finally got some good system going in the area guys! We are seeing a ton of cool miracles from i new style of finding. Which is probably the simplest thing you can do on the mission. When you have an open block for contacting and finding. You get a ward list set according to street and pick a few streets in an area, and bike over there; then you if area permits start walking between addresses on the list, and talk to every person on the street and knock the neighbors of the LA's, and contact people. The Lord when he has a specific place to put people is really good and setting up so you meet a ton of good people! Yesterday from the morning looked like it was going to be rough, all finding. Instead in turned into a ton of fun! And within the night hours alone we set up 4 people for the next week to meet. As well as a few LA's. (any missionaries reading i highly recommend trying!)(thanks 莊長老 for the idea)

But this week was so cool! so we had the chance to meet with this man, he is extremely busy and very humble. He has a young daughter, and a wife. We haven't met the other 2 yet. But after sharing the plan of salvation with him, he said he believes everything we have shared, and would like to join the church however the next couple years of his life are going to be very busy. So he is only willing to set a baptism date for 4 years out. We will work with him on that, but it is cool to see people recieve a witness of the truth of what we share. I have no doubt that the blessings of an eternal family will come into this man's life, and that he can become so much stronger than he is now because of this gorpel. I know that this gospel is the only true gorpel and church, and that God is our father and is watching over us.

Also we are continuing to teach that english class in the school, there are 20 small children and 2 or 3 members there that we need to impress and create fun things for. If any of you have ideas for teaching english in games songs or any form let me know. However our members are very impressed with how well we handle them. They had onememberreport this sunday and he said "even though those kids are insane and crazy they missionaries taught them and helped them have fun" So i think the members think we are doing a good job, but really we just play fun kid games that need to use english. However the kids are a ton of fun! it kinda reminds me of family reunions or even a big lake powell trip everyone is crazy and talking and doing stuff and you just kinda direct traffic.😂😂

Thats the way the cookie crumbles 就是這樣子

Monday, March 13, 2017

I can see clearly now the rain is… Back!

DWell it has been quite the enjoyable time here in taiwan! The past 2 weeks have been straight rain, a day break then it comes back with a vengence😂😂 I didn't make you stop you just ran out of water. why are you getting mad at me?

However this week was sooooo dope! for starters we have met some super cool people! ironically we met 4 people over the weekend which were all super cool, none of which we can teach... so we will be happy to give them to other missionaries. But we have seen cool things in our area as well! first things first, we met with Jeremiah again. The flaming red beard from california, who is probably the most confusing man ever. A jew by birth(secretly) but grew up a catholic. believes the bible to be incorrectly translated so he reads several languages of bible to help him get the "real" meaning. He told us he would read the book of mormon through in 2 days. Ill txt him tonight about that and meeting again. He liked the idea of the bom as long as it doesn't replace the bible. he is pretty fun to talk with.

Also we got the english class started!!! inside of the elementary school! We are now weekly teaching 20 kids around the age of 10 give or take. And the class is an hour and a half. So we are in dear need of ideas all the time because we have to make it fun so when the see us and their with their parents they want to talk to us, but they need to learn so their parents like us. However the bishop and his wife helped us by being there so we could do split group activities i think they really liked how it went, they're really trusting us a lot. as far as we know this is the first time this has happened in taiwan, and there is only a 4 month trial period to see if maybe we will spread it out, or continue it here. There is a lot of pressure from the ward and president to succeed..

We also saw a sick miracle we met a guy on the street and we set him up to come to church and he came! he was super cool, when he first got there he kinda seemed like he didn't expect anything from it, but he was respectful and nice, and when he left, he set up to let us share about the restoration with him! we are excited about that! also in this week we met 3 people above the age of 60 more likely 70 that all agreed to come to church with us. (none came 2 have good reasons) but they were all so funny! And it is so rare to find old people even kind of willing to change like that! Most of them here they choose something and don't even think abouyt thinking about ever changing and they are very clear about it. And usually heavily influence children and family members so it was awesome!

I just want every one to know my simple testimony, i know and love christ. I strive to understand all that he has done. But i do know he died for me and for you, and that he is always extending a hand opf love to us, we just have to turn to him and allow him to help. Heavenly Father knows you, and he loves you, and wants to talk with you, start a conversation ask him if you does know you. He will answer

Elder Conover!  孔長老

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Back in the swing of things

I AAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEE MMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!! This week has been super fun guys!! And it has been full of miracles!!! To start off we are starting to get our area to where it needs to be! We have had a lot of time on the streets and a lot of time to try to build our investigators! But we are starting to get some cool people to teach!

I want to start off by talking about 王國鼎 Wang Guo Ding, he is a sick new investigator we have started teaching this week. He studied A little about our church on line, and thinks we've got some cool things to talk about. However he is a devout christian to his church. But at the age of 27 (more or less) he is so devouted to finding real truth. He told us that he has been praying for an answer but none came. We talked to him about church and reading and said he hasn't done it. So we told him if you are lacking in effort why would god answer you, He responded very powerfully he would start reading. 

We also had the chance to go to a basketball tournament with a ton of elders during p day. Which was super sick! We played for like 3 hours straight and my dad showed up, which was really fun. Totally roasted him;) love you Elder Facer. 

We have done some mini exchnages with the zoneleaders this week for a couple reasons but one of the biggest things is just that they are helping us find more people! And we were out on the streets walking around with a broken bike to fix (mine) when all of the sudden we hear "hi, guys how are you?!" Me and Elder Anderson turn to find a very white man, with a large ginger beard, and longish hair and a baseball cap biking towards us. We had quite the conversation with him, which ended up with him saying "well it would be really cool to find sometime and discuss with you guys, lets trade numbers." Gladly we accepted and later that week about 2 or 3 days, we get a text that says, "hey lets find a time to meet. I want to discuss truth ONLY from the bible though." So he knows a litttle about us.

There is a ton of stuff going on still but i really dont want to write about it, 加油 love you guys

Elder Conover 孔長老