Wednesday, April 27, 2016

MTC week 4

ji ben de(space) bai se(space) nu

well everyone this week was almost exactly like last week hahahha, honestly the MTC feels like one continuous day i cant really tell you the nights compared to when we wake up, there is no determining differences hahaha except last night elder oaks of he 12 spoke to us that was pretty cool, though funny story i now have the nickname of tarzan one of our elders that just left for hong kong was messing with everyone while showering and he was throwing shaving cream and cold water on everyone, well i decided id stop him so i made it seem like i was showering, and wrapped my towel around me and when he  threw something over i ran out and chased him around the whole interior of our building (which is a giant square) and tackled him to the ground and his companion was just like "tarzan just laid you out" so now im called tarzan so thats  pretty cool, aside from that i have been called as district leader which means i just make sure everyone likes eachother and that they recieve their mail hahahaha

i cant think  of anything else to talk about sorry not anything huge happened

love Kong Zhong Lao

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