Wednesday, April 13, 2016

First two weeks in the MTC

here is my life for the last 2 weeks and the next 7

monday- wake up, brush teeth, breakfast, play 4 square, shower, study 3
hours, lunch, calss 3 hours(get roasted), study some more, dinner, class 3
hours( get wrecked), daily planning, ie we have them planned for us so we
talk and get out our stress, while the sisters, or jie mei study... always,
literally, they need to chill a little, then we go to the dorms, eat the
food we had sent in because we finished diner at 5:15 ( thanks fam youre
life savers), 10:15 write in journal, 10:30 bedtime

tuesday- follow monday until 2nd class then we eat right after, go to choir,
really fun, (gen conf choir diretor) he's dope and its fun, then devotional
usually some level of general authority, resume at schedule for daily
planning, finish day

wednesday- P DAY, chill til 12:30( still up at 6:30), go to temple, chill
till 6, resume scghedule at 2nd class and get roasted

thursday- (see monday)

friday- (see thursday)

saturday- (see friday) but at 8:30 we set up gym for the next day, then
return at 9:20 to schedule

sunday- study for hours, priesthood, one elder teaches the rest help him,
study some more, sacrament with roughly 30 people, then study, then another
devotional, usually someone that works at the MTC, resume fort daily

sorry if its not amazing ;) psych its dope!!! 


  1. Jason, you are AWESONE AND AMAZING! Keep up the great work!
    I love you lots and pray for your success.
    Grams Sorensen

  2. Knowledge is power. Keep on truckin!
