Wednesday, April 27, 2016

MTC week 4

ji ben de(space) bai se(space) nu

well everyone this week was almost exactly like last week hahahha, honestly the MTC feels like one continuous day i cant really tell you the nights compared to when we wake up, there is no determining differences hahaha except last night elder oaks of he 12 spoke to us that was pretty cool, though funny story i now have the nickname of tarzan one of our elders that just left for hong kong was messing with everyone while showering and he was throwing shaving cream and cold water on everyone, well i decided id stop him so i made it seem like i was showering, and wrapped my towel around me and when he  threw something over i ran out and chased him around the whole interior of our building (which is a giant square) and tackled him to the ground and his companion was just like "tarzan just laid you out" so now im called tarzan so thats  pretty cool, aside from that i have been called as district leader which means i just make sure everyone likes eachother and that they recieve their mail hahahaha

i cant think  of anything else to talk about sorry not anything huge happened

love Kong Zhong Lao

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

MTC week 3

Hey guys sorry last times email was so bad, i had to rewrite it 3 times because of some tech problems, but this one should be better. basically i have the same schedule every week so it is up to me and my district to make the days memorable, meaning my journal gets roughly 3 sentaences instead of a page. hahahaha btw ive actually started writing and using one, everytime i write in it i pretend that i am writing a letter to like my 4th great grandkids, i garuntee they're gonna be saying that i was a big dope, i enjoy it:) So i actually do the choir here, and its really fun the director is the same as general conference and he is really fun, lots of stories, sorry theyre mostly just new versions of old church ones:) But singing is really cool around here, lots of fun!

Me and the other elders are pretty close, we work really well its lots of fun! BTW everyone needs to know this i was looking at my family history and i followed it so far back(on family search) that i actually found how we are directly related to the bible, go look up zerubabbel or son of shealtiel in the bible, because they are my direct ancestors, so if you dont know that more or less means, im pretty dope. Oh and we will have our first zone departure since ive been here, chapman parker hintze and stober are all leaving, its kinda lame because chapman is basically the best person ive met here, parker is a crazy convert the was a straight druggy and thug until about 1 year ago, hintze is a bit of a girl so we poke him a little, but he is ok with it i promise, stober is actually navy and probably one of the funniest people ever!!

Oh that reminds me, there is this puppet dragon that idk why its here but it is and is named the poo dragon, and when an unsuspecting plopper is on the throne, the dragon dances for they're entertainment as the lights flicker due to its power... i cried when i first heard about it. ive been hit 3 times, i guess you could say i am the lord of poop dragons. and also all 3 rooms in our zone have atleast 1 unused closet dedicated to food people send in, because sometimes you just have to skip dinner because last night was some nasty raspberry chicken rice and meatloaf, it was almost as bad as the presedential situation right now. (roasted america)

Also some other traditions for our zone are toothless tuesday we have an elder that had surgery so he has a fake tooth and tuesday is self explanitory. fat tie friday and we have some ugly ties, middle part monday referring to the hair part down the middle. Its pretty good around here.

Last thing i can think of is, being that we are a bunch of elders and left to create our own entertainment, we decided to make book of mormon D&D included with number generators, created by us, if you dont know what D&D is find out then this email will get worse for you.

Love elder conover(kong zhong lao)

PS i came in around 139 lbs and since i am now 150 lbs

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Farewell pics

We just wanted to thank all of you wonderful people for coming out for Jason's farewell. He is so excited and happy to be serving our Heavenly Father. We had a beautiful day. Here are some pics of that as well as when we dropped him off at the MTC. 

First two weeks in the MTC

here is my life for the last 2 weeks and the next 7

monday- wake up, brush teeth, breakfast, play 4 square, shower, study 3
hours, lunch, calss 3 hours(get roasted), study some more, dinner, class 3
hours( get wrecked), daily planning, ie we have them planned for us so we
talk and get out our stress, while the sisters, or jie mei study... always,
literally, they need to chill a little, then we go to the dorms, eat the
food we had sent in because we finished diner at 5:15 ( thanks fam youre
life savers), 10:15 write in journal, 10:30 bedtime

tuesday- follow monday until 2nd class then we eat right after, go to choir,
really fun, (gen conf choir diretor) he's dope and its fun, then devotional
usually some level of general authority, resume at schedule for daily
planning, finish day

wednesday- P DAY, chill til 12:30( still up at 6:30), go to temple, chill
till 6, resume scghedule at 2nd class and get roasted

thursday- (see monday)

friday- (see thursday)

saturday- (see friday) but at 8:30 we set up gym for the next day, then
return at 9:20 to schedule

sunday- study for hours, priesthood, one elder teaches the rest help him,
study some more, sacrament with roughly 30 people, then study, then another
devotional, usually someone that works at the MTC, resume fort daily

sorry if its not amazing ;) psych its dope!!!