Sunday, February 11, 2018


pretty fun! WE have had some good earthquakes on the east coast. However on the west coast we got a few good rollers. So the east coast took a good hit! Everyone was having a good time! the missionaries there are all safe! It happened a couple nights in a row about the same time! They start and kind of feell like your about to throw up and then after a second you just realize your whole building is moving. And we live pretty high up. It is pretty fun!

We had our main man Howard get baptized! He has been working on it for almost a year now, But we just gave him the time,and he came to the desire to do it! And then it was simple! We had to review everything with him, but it was pretty awesome!!

We saw some crazy miracles this week! We decided after receiving a good training about baptismal dates, we went and invited a ton of people and Heavenly Father blessed us accordingly. It has been incredible! We have seen a ton of miracles.

We brought the american tradition of ice cream after a church meeting! aw yeah

oreos are buy one get on free sale!!

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