Monday, February 19, 2018

Rising Storm

Well last pday of the transfer and the sad fact that my companion has already been here for 4. I will probably be picking up a new comp this week! But this week was CHINESE NEW YEAR, and it has been a blessed time. The last couple days Our members have been giving us 2 meals day everyday. I had 4 meals of steak in a row. It was delicious and very very heavy. My companion woke up this morning looks at me and says, "i just want to be hungry again" hahaha this is a great time in taiwan!!

We still saw some really cool miracles. Because during the new year, the tradition is everything closes and everyone goes home. So Literally anyone left here is not from here, and will be returning home after. Also The amount of people left around is soooo few. It turns to a ghost town for a few days its crazy. So the members give us things to eat, and give us things to do.

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