Sunday, March 25, 2018

HAHA sorry for last time

I didn't realize how lmae last week was until I read it again, well let me tell you something this week was sick!!! We had a great new person join the church. My companion had the honor to baptize them in the ocean!!! It made for some of the most legendary pictures I have. It was sick!!!
My companions ankles are coming around! he hurt them both pretty bad and we used a wheel chair for a few days event hough he could stand there was no way to properly move around using his legs. We got some wierd looks when he would randomly stand up hahaha HE is doing great though no worries!!
We had a fun service project where we lifted rocks for a couple hours! and then helped our ward mission leader lay some flooring preparation, haha that was fun!!!
Also My farewell is April 15th, in my chapel. If you have a desire to go email me and I will give you my details.... love you!! 

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