Sunday, March 25, 2018

HAHA sorry for last time

I didn't realize how lmae last week was until I read it again, well let me tell you something this week was sick!!! We had a great new person join the church. My companion had the honor to baptize them in the ocean!!! It made for some of the most legendary pictures I have. It was sick!!!
My companions ankles are coming around! he hurt them both pretty bad and we used a wheel chair for a few days event hough he could stand there was no way to properly move around using his legs. We got some wierd looks when he would randomly stand up hahaha HE is doing great though no worries!!
We had a fun service project where we lifted rocks for a couple hours! and then helped our ward mission leader lay some flooring preparation, haha that was fun!!!
Also My farewell is April 15th, in my chapel. If you have a desire to go email me and I will give you my details.... love you!! 

Monday, March 19, 2018

Hey Macarena

Well this week has been fantastic!!! My companion (Sorry Elder Endicott) and I have had some interesting missionary work. We had a great basket ball activity it went awesome until my companion couldn't walk anymore. We have been sitting lately. But our members have been awesome!! 

gotta ya bye

we have seen miracles 

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Old Mcdonald

Old Mcdonald had a farm e i e i o and on that farm he had 4 missionaries digging out flowers to put in the mud e i e i o

We had a pretty fun saturday morning, we met with our members and drove out into xinpu and helped a small community with polluted water plant some special flowers that naturally purify the water. It was super fun!!

We also saw some cool miracles this week as we have been working with quite a few people trying to help them really develop faith and work for baptism. We have 2 people we have been working with for a while, they finally came to church!!! there is one other investigator who everyone in the ward and the stake president think they are the best person ever! she is a funny lady!!!!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Aimlessly strolling for a long time

Well we have had a very eventful week. For starters our whole week looked about like last night, we had an awesome plan we were gonna go get some hard work done!!! But then as we stopped to video teach one of our investigators, my companion looks at his back tire.... 100% flat. Sunday night the closest bike store is a half mile away and we can't fix it anyway because its sunday. We were also a 20 or so minute bike from our home... And we had a member calls us that wanted to feed us that night. another 20 minute bike into the area away from home. So we stopped our bikes at the shop i helped my companion "ghost" his bike there and he ran... hahaha rough time. Then we proceeded our stroll for over an hour to find their house, which i had been to once before, and they didn't answer our calls nor did they give us an address. SO we covered about a .5 x 3 mile chunk of land, we showed up 40 minutes late and they nearly laughed us to death and cried, and then just said its a good thing its fast sunday now you can eat even more! luckily on the way home they drove us to our bikes which cut us down from an hour walk to a 10 minute drive that was nice!!!! Then we loaded his bike into their van and i put him on the back of my bike home and we road home. all in all a great sunday!!! And a great story to tell all of you!

We had an awesome new change as well! when i first arrived on island we were allowed to teach anyone we found. Well a couple months later it was changed that elders can only teach men and sisters only women. Well they just changed it to a variation. IF you have sisters in your area the rule remains if not, you are again able to teach everyone!!!!!!! YAY!

life is pretty great!!!! we also had a fun experience we had to get to a projector but our ladder was too long to fit on the stage and so we had 6 elders hold it while someone climbed up it... we ARE the brightest chickens in the coop