Monday, February 20, 2017

What goes around comes around

Well isn't that nice to know! haha this week has been pretty full of some pretty dope stuff! For starters I know my area a little better! This place is really smalll so it is way easier to figure out where everything is! To like our furthest area it is like a 20 minute bike ride, if you start from the chapel (which is a little ways out of our area....) It does however have plenty of hills! I'm staying in the foothills and in the mountains:) super fun! 

But we had a lot of people at the house this week snice we live with the zone leaders and they need to go on exchnages with everyne we had 6 people in the house quie often. How ever we had some fun frisbee days. We also had a training with president this week! which is always so awesme!  especially since we do interviews with them! He is a very inspiring leader! 

We had a tn of time to be out on the srteets this week while we are trying to meet new people to teach! We have had the chance to meetsome really cool people, we haven't seen a ton of results yet, but they are coming! And it has been so fun with Elder Gibson because since he just got here smetimes he gets confused and it makes some pretty fun times. Like he was trying to tell a guy that he was awesome and actually told him he was a stick... We had a good lagh there. It brings back good memories of Elder Facer after a contact that i thought was awesome totally helped me realize i didn't understand it at all.

But we saw some really cool miracles, we have met quite a few really cool possible families to teach, and our bishop just gave us a referral to a nice husband and wife, who actually have a son in the church but there is a little confusion in the family, so basically our goal is to teach and baptize them and then that will solve alot of it. 

That is pretty much all psych, just a little taste

Love you guys!  -Elder Conover

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