Sunday, May 22, 2016

Week 7


On friday we get our flight plans, we finally leave at the same time as the english elders that just came in. and compared to MTC standard i feel comfortable with my chinese, i cant wait to get wrecked when i step off the plane! I am so ready to get there i just want to get started with all those new people!

We got new mandos this week, they are kinda dorky and super funny, we have a native australian (thats for you papa bear) he is a great singer and very fun, we have a half taiwanese guy and he is a goff and cool, and we have a arizonan(for you mama bear) he is the most different kid i have ever met, he will throw you a curve ball! hahahahha

We got them pretty well with the poop dragon, and they are learning fast and 2 of them have had some pretty good previous chinese lessons so they will understand sometimes what we are saying!

we also finished our grammar book a day or to ago so for the next 2 and a half weeks we are gonna be reviewing.... dope

Elder Conover

PS if you are trying to get a personal email to me please just select my email and hit reply everyone does not want your email im sorry

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