Thursday, May 26, 2016

Last week at MTC

 May 25, 2016 at 12:31 PM, Jason Ray Conovover
alright this week has actually been kinda sad around here but also dope!!!

Lets start off really fast with we lost Sister Langley she had to go home for 2 major surgeries(direct note to her we love you and i love you and we miss you greatly and cant wait to see you back out here and to continue to hear how you are doing!) She was a huge example to our whole district in strength and also in faith, i have never seen someone so intune with gods plan!

Now to avoid any crying from me personally to the fun stuff! We had a sports illustarted reporter come and sit in with our class, she was doing an artcile on BYU football and wanted to know more about missions, so they asked the supervising teacher for a recomendation for a good class to come to, and i guess we have impressed him with our motivation and drive to be as native and efficent as we can before leaving. he said we are the most chinese sounding district he has been with for a long time! so huge compliment there! we were super nervous! but when she came in she was just super impressed and she wanted to ask questions but she ended up just not knowing what to ask and just like trying to figure out how we are doing what we are doing. hahaha that made me feel really good! mostly she just was like "what are you nervous for" or "how in the world are you doing this?" classic mission questions!

Also side note there Elder Jensen needed a haircut before she came so we gpt special permission to cut his haur ourselves, the funniest thing Elder Earls ended up jacking up his sideburn! hahahaha a he was super self concious! it was funny! aside from that me and my com-panion still literally own four square if the line gets to long we simply actually try and make all the annoying people quit because we decide when someone lives and dies because everyone else isnt as good;) hahahahahaha

Love Kong Zhong Lao(elder conover)

i forgot one more thing also elder Renlund from the 12 talked to us!

oh also my birthday was this week we had a party popped a few martinelles had pres newell come by offered him a drink had fun shot each other with large darts threw darts at each other the usual

Jason will be leaving to Tiawan on Tuesday May 31. He is so excited to get out there and be with the people. 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Week 7


On friday we get our flight plans, we finally leave at the same time as the english elders that just came in. and compared to MTC standard i feel comfortable with my chinese, i cant wait to get wrecked when i step off the plane! I am so ready to get there i just want to get started with all those new people!

We got new mandos this week, they are kinda dorky and super funny, we have a native australian (thats for you papa bear) he is a great singer and very fun, we have a half taiwanese guy and he is a goff and cool, and we have a arizonan(for you mama bear) he is the most different kid i have ever met, he will throw you a curve ball! hahahahha

We got them pretty well with the poop dragon, and they are learning fast and 2 of them have had some pretty good previous chinese lessons so they will understand sometimes what we are saying!

we also finished our grammar book a day or to ago so for the next 2 and a half weeks we are gonna be reviewing.... dope

Elder Conover

PS if you are trying to get a personal email to me please just select my email and hit reply everyone does not want your email im sorry

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

MTC cafeteria

We got this photo last Friday from the cafeteria supervisor at the MTC. He said Jason and a handful of other elder volunteer in the cafeteria on Friday mornings. He just told us how ,icy he enjoys Jason and wanted us to have a picture of him. Makes for a great Friday morning for mom. 

Week 6 MTC

yup all those 3-6 weekers

i am now working down 7 weeks, and i hear way to much "i've been here so long, i just need to leave right now" from 3-6 weekers.

but in good news we have stared skype teaching which means we skype people from taiwan and teach lessons, it is one of the coolest things we have done, also i have been talking to chinese speakers that are learning english it is pretty dope! we can actually have a conversation they will speak english to me and i answer in chinese. also we have the first turkish sister to serve a mission in the MTC right now, and one more cool thing in meet the mormons the indian man, his daughter is also here right now! 

our new cantos are enjoying they're time and we are now the oldest district (in loving memory of the departed) FOR THE BOYS!! i wish you guys the best. 

i had the chance to calll my family this week and catch up a little but a phone call for 30 mins went way to fast sorry! but in some good news aside from that i have recieved my character tag finally!!!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Cafeteria supervisor happy Friday picture

So I received this great pic of Jason volunteering in the cafeteria Friday from the supervisor. We also had a great phone call on Mother's Day with him. 30 minutes hoes way too fast. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Week 5

xuangjiao wode fuyin

not even the chinese people could read that heading cuz it dont got tones! but this week was pretty average. 

Though you know you've been here really long when the past week and a half you have been 100% flawless at calling whether they are english missionaries, spanish, or if they're just new. i can now tell the differences between the 3 types of animals, and for some reason english people think 3 weeks is long and spanish people believe they have it the worst, and then i tell them ive already been out 5 weeks and got 4 more and they just kinda stop talking. hahahha noobs. 

aside from that we now have a record for how many unbroken pretzels we can fit in our mouths, and that is 30.... 30 unbroken pretzels ill get you a picture. we also got some new cantos (cantonese) they fit in really well and are very cool! 

Middle part Monday 
30 unbroken pretzels. New record!

FAT tie friday