Sunday, April 1, 2018

Final Count Down

Yeah I am on my last email home. I will be home this saturday. I am more than happy to see you all when I am home. Come find me cuz im not gonna know how to get to you.

This week has been pretty awesome full of cool miracles. We saw some really cool people make big choices this week. We set a new baptismal date, with a really awesome guy!! We reset a new date with another friend we have been working with and we moved up another baptismal date with another friend!!! This week has been pretty legit!!! 

Enjoy Easter. I am actually missing general conference and get a double fast sunday. Because translation things!! So thats pretty cool!! I will see you all soon! 

last thing i had some old friends come visit me. we met with some young kids out in the middle of a small town, and they were funny. we ate a really good meal at the sheraton

I am pretty pumped!